Monday, December 29, 2014

Empirical Evidence for God

Outline of impeccable Evidences for Theism to non theism.

1. Contingency – Why does something exist rather than nothing? Self-existence is necessary. Universe began. Universe is not self-existent.

2. Cosmological – Absolute beginning requires a cause. Cause of Physical Universe cannot be Physical. Must be non-physical, space-less, timeless and willful to cause Physical Universe from Physical Nothingness.

3. Design: specified complexity, specifically integrated interdependencies for third purposes, irreducible complexity. No plausible Naturalistic mechanisms or explanations actually exist.

Precision FINELY TUNED constants and quantities present in initial conditions of the Universe to within infinitesimally narrow ranges to permit life. Universe is precision balanced on razor’s edge.

4. Ontological argument – God is a metaphysically necessary Being. Since God’s attributes are metaphysically possible, and all metaphysical possibilities are also actual, God must be actual.

5. Intelligence in Nature: Intelligence, order and reason and information all from Nothingness?
Spiritual instinct of man: Evolved to connect with something not actual?

Moral Truth / Apprehension of Objective moral truth. Is rape really wrong or just an illusion?
Knowledge of reliable Natural Laws
Massive Historical evidences of witnessed Miracles, visions, fulfilled prophecies,
Personal experiences: Ubiquitous NDE’s, supernatural phenomena
Christ’s resurrection witnessed by hundreds.

Absolute failure of Naturalism to explain a Finely tuned Universe, Finite Universe, Sentience, Rational truth Moral Law (morality), reliable knowledge, intelligence, purpose, free-will…

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