Saturday, September 27, 2014


Ni uongo wa Shetani kwamba wanawake hawawezi kuwa Watumishi wa Mungu, wakahubiri, wakafundisha, wakatoa pepo au kumtumikia Mungu kwa namna nyinginezo.  Wanawake kumtumikia Mungu, ni jambo la Ki-Biblia hasa. 

Nyakati hizi za mwisho, Roho wa Mungu atamwagwa kwa WOTE, binti watatabiri (kuhubiri ni kutabiri pia) na Roho huyu wa Mungu atamwagwa kwa WATUMISHI WA MUNGU WANAUME NA WANAWAKE (MATENDO 2:17-18).  

Nyakati za Kanisa la Kwanza, wanaume na wanawake, wote walikuwa watendakazi, wakilihubiri Neno na kulifundisha (MATENDO 8: 1, 4).  Inatupasa kufuata mfumo huu wa ki-Biblia.  Mara kwa mara, katika Biblia, wanawake, wamekuwa na ujasiri wa kumtumikia Mungu na kuwa wanyenyekevu na watii kwa Yesu Kristo na Neno lake, kuliko wanaume.  Hapa tunaona wanawake waliomfuata Yesu kutoka Galilaya, karibu maili 100 kutoka Yerusalemu, wakija kumtumikia Yesu.  Hapa msalabani, hawakuwako wanafunzi wale kumi na moja wa Yesu kasoro Yohana (YOHANA 19: 25-26).  Wengi walikuwa wanawake waliokuwa wakijipiga vifua na kumwombolezea (LUKA 23:27).  

Wanawake walikuwepo msalabani mpaka mwisho na tena walikuwapo kwenye mazishi yake (MST 61) na pia wanawake ndiyo waliokuwa wa kwanza kwenda kulitazama kaburi siku ya kufufuka kwa Yesu (MATHAYO 28:1).  Mwanamke ndiye aliyewapelekea habari za kufufuka kwa Yesu, Petro na Yohana, na kuwatia moyo, NDIPO nao wakachangamka!  Hapo mwanzo, walikuwa wamekata tamaa na kwenda kuvua samaki (YOHANA 20:1-3; 21:1-3).  

Mwanamke Priska au Prisila alikuwa tayari kukatwa kichwa kwa ajili ya Injili aliyokuwa anaihubiri Paulo na Mwanamke Fibi aliwasaidia wengi mno (WARUMI 16:1-3).  Shime wanawake, tutende kazi ya Bwana! Wanaume pia tupate changamoto kwa watendakazi wanawake ambao wanatenda kazi ya Mungu kwa bidii pamoja na majukumu mengi ya kifamilia waliyo nayo.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Do you think Kadhi’s courts should be part of the new Tanzanian Constitution?

The current debate is about whether or not these “Kadhi” courts should be entrenched in the new constitution of Tanzania.

Confrontations rivalry on the mainland (Tanganyika) between the Muslims “minority” who are 35% and the Christians “majority” who are more than 55% have flared up frequently in the past few years. These exasperating tensions are too complex to be labeled as a fundamental antagonism based on religion. Neither Muslims nor Christians (in Tanganyika and Zanzibar) form a homogeneous block.

The endless debate in the "Bunge Maalum", which has focused itself on the (Mahakama ya Kadhi) kadhi’s courts and the constitutional review, has allowed extreme elements from both sides to speak out with great vehemence potency and so increased tensions between the two communities. It has crystallized the perceived hurts and prejudices that have lain under the surface of a thin veneer of mutual tolerance. Aspects of the entire situation must be examined for the influence of political elements who use religion for their own ethnic reasons.

So we stay with the whole phrase – rule of law – with each one appreciating it according to her needs or as the occasion demands.

Can’t Tanzanian Muslims rule themselves by themselves without being in the constitution? What is the big deal, a religious court being entrenched in the constitution that rules over different religions? What is the hidden agenda? I argue Tanzanians to learn from Nigeria, Pakistan and other nations with Kadhis courts and Islamic Sharia "Law"……..understand the meaning of Kafiris as described by Muslims and what sharia law advocates to the same.

Readers should remember that the fellows who are drafting the constitution are purely lawyers by profession, and going by their egos and personality they are fellows who can easily convince and confuse your reasoning without much ado. They can easily prove a day is a night. Entrenching the kadhis court in the constitution is purely improper, unmeritorious, unconstitutional and against human rights.
Therefore the needs of both the Christians, Hindus, Muslims and any other religion was catered for.

There are unforeseen consequences which are not apparent as per now but of which the coe (lawyers) are aware of. Who is a Muslim anyway? Where does she/he live? Whom does she/he live with? How does coexisting with Muslims affect your lifestyle and culture? Will inclusion of kadhi's court in the constitution change all these? The answer is yours.

Christians in Tanzania are arguing that including the Kadhi Courts in the constitution is (apart from favoring one religion) setting the stage for the introduction of Sharia law and simultaneously joining Organization of Islamic Conference “OIC”.

Do you think Kadhi’s courts should be part of the new Constitution? Shouldn't the constitution protect the interest of the majority as well as minority? By including Kadhis court in our nation constitution, it is a favor to one religion. It would mean that if need be, we could also include, e.g. Artificial contraceptive clause to favor the Catholic Church in the constitution. Otherwise, anything to do with religion and faith must be left to the concerned believers.

God Bless Tanzania,

By Max Shimba Ministries
New York, NY 10019


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Je, Mkristo anapaswa kufanya nini kama yeye ameolewa na asiyeamini?

Kuoleka na kafiri inaweza kuwa mojawapo ya changamoto ngumu sana katika maisha ya Mkristo. Ndoa ni agano takatifu ambalo linaunganisha watu wawili pamoja katika mwili mmoja (Mathayo 19:5). Inaweza kuwa vigumu sana kwa muumini na kafiri kuishi kwa amani na umoja (2 Wakorintho 6:14-15). Kama mpenzi mmoja anakuwa Mkristo baada ya ndoa, mapambano asili ya kuishi chini ya mamlaka aina mbili tofauti huwa huwa dhahiri.

Mara nyingi Wakristo katika hali hii hutafuta njia ya kujinazua kutoka kwa ndoa, wakiamini kwamba hii ndio njia pekee ya kweli ambayo italeta utukufu kwa Mungu. Neno lake, hata hivyo, linasema kinyume chake. Ni muhimu sana kutoridhika na hali yetu pekee, bali pia kutafuta njia ya kuleta utukufu kwake mbali na changamoto zetu (1 Wakorintho 7:17). Biblia hasa inahusu wale ambao wameolewa na wasioamini katika 1 Wakorintho 7:12-14: "... iwapo ndugu mmoja ana mke asiyeamini, na mke huyo anakubali kukaa naye asiwmeache. Na mwanamke ambaye ana mume asiyeamini, na mume huyo anakubali kukaa naye, asimwache mumewe. Kwa maana Yule mume asiyeamini hutakaswa katika mkewe; na Yule mke asiyeamini hutakswa katika mumewe; kama asiengekuwa hivyo, watot wenu wengekuwa si safi..."

Wakristo ambao wameoleka kwa wasioamini wanahitaji kuomba kwa ajili ya nguvu za Roho Mtakatifu ili kuwawezesha kukiri Kristo na kuishi katika mwanga wa uwepo wa Mungu (1 Yohana 1:7). Wanapaswa kutafuta nguvu za Mungu za ubadilisho kubadili nyoyo zao na kuzaa matunda ya Roho Mtakatifu (Wagalatia 5:22-23). Mke Mkristo ana wajibu wa kuwa na moyo mtiifu, hata kwa mume wake ambaye si mkristo (1 Petro 3:01), na atahitaji kubaki karibu na Mungu na kutegemea neema yake kumwezesha kufanya hivyo.

Wakristo hawastahili kuishi maisha ya upweke wanahitaji kupata msaada kutoka kwingine kama vile kanisa na makundi ya kujifunza Biblia. Kuolewa na kafiri haina haibadilishi utakatifu wa uhusiano, hivyo ni lazima iwe kipaumbele cha kila Mkristo kuomba kwa ajili ya mke wake na kuweka mfano mzuri, kuruhusu mwanga wa Kristo kuangaza (Wafilipi 2:14). Bu na ukweli ulio katika 1 Petro 3:1-kwamba mwanandoa asiyeamini "amevutwa kwa Kristo"n iwe tumaini na lengo la kila Mkristo ambaye ameoleka kwa mtu asiye Mkristo.

Je, kutakuwa na ndoa mbinguni?

Biblia inatuambia, "Kwa maana katika kiyama hawaoi wal hawaolewi, bali huwa kama malaika mbinguni"(Mathayo 22:30). Hili lilikuwa ni jibu la Yesu alipokuwa akijibu swali la kuhusu mwanamke ambaye alikuwa ameolewa mara nyingi katika maisha, yeye ataolewa na nani mbinguni (Mathayo 22:23-28)? Ni wazi kwamba, hakutakuwa na kama ndoa mbinguni. Hii haimaanishi kwamba mume na mke hawatambuana mbinguni. Hii pia haina maana kwamba mume na mke hataweza kuwa na uhusiano wa karibu mbinguni. Chenye inatuonyesha ni kuwa mume na mke hawataoana tena mbinguni.

kuna uwezekano mkubwa zaidi, hakutakuwa na ndoa mbinguni kwa sababu hatutajitaji ndoa. Wakati Mungu alianzisha ndoa, alifanya hivyo kutimiza mahitaji fulani. Kwanza, aliona kwamba Adamu alikuwa na haja ya mwaharusi. "Mungu Bwana akasema, Si vema huyo mtu awe peke yake, nitamfanyia msaidizi wa kufanana naye" (Mwanzo 2:18). Hawa alikuwa suluhizo kwa tatizo la upweke wa Adamu, kama vile haja ya kuwa na "msaidizi," mtu ambaye atakaa pamoja naye kama rafiki na kutembea naye katika maisha. Mbinguni, hata hivyo, hakutakuwa na upweke, wala hitaji lolote la wasaidizi. Tutazungukwa na wingu la umati wa waumini na malaika (Ufunuo 7:9), na mahitaji yetu yote yatatimizwa, ikiwa ni pamoja na haja ya urafiki.

Pili, Mungu aliumba ndoa kama njia ya uzazi na kujaza dunia na binadamu. Mbinguni, hata hivyo, mbinguni haitajazwa na uzazi. Wanaoenda mbinguni hufika huko kwa imani katika Bwana Yesu Kristo; hawataumbwa huko kwa njia ya uzazi. Kwa hiyo, hakuna kusudi kwa ndoa mbinguni kwa vile hakuna uzazi au upweke.

Bibilia inasema nini kuhusu ndoa?

Mwanzo wa ndoa umenakiliwa katika Mwanzo 2:23-24: “Adamu akasema, Sasa huyu ni mfupa katika mifupa yangu na nyama katika nyama nyangu, basi ataitwa “mwanamke,” kwa maana ametwaliwa katika mwanamume. Kwa hiyo mwanamume atamwacha baba yake na mama yake naye ataambatana na mkewe, nao watakuwa mwili mmoja.” Mungu alimuumba mwanamume na kisha baadaye akamuumba mwanamke ili amkamilishe mwanamume. Ndoa “iliwekwa” na Mungu kwa sababu kuwa “si vema huyo mtu awe peke yake” (Mwanzo 2:18).

Neno “msaidizi” limetumika kumwelezea Hawa katika Mwanzo 2:20 lamaanisha “kumzunguka, kumkinga, kumsaidia.” Hawa aliumbwa awe kando ya Adamu kama “nusu yake” awe msaidizi wake. Mwanamume na mwanamke, wakati wameoana wanakuwa “mwili mmoja.” Huu umoja umedhihirishwa mara nyingi katika tendo la ndoa. Agano Jipya inaongeza onyo kuhusu umoja huu. “Hata wamekuwa si wawili tena, bali mwili mmoja. Basi aliowaunganisha Mungu, mwanadamu asiwatenganishe” (Mathayo 19:6).

Kunayo nyaraka nyingi za mtume Paulo zenye zinahusu ndoa na jinsi Wakrito wanastahili kuwa katika ndoa. Ukurasa mmoja ni 1 Wakorintho 7, na mwingine ni Waefeso 5:22-33. Tulijifunza pamoja, hizi kurasa mbili zinatoa kanuni za kibibilia ambazo zinaunda mwongozo wa ndoa ambayo ni ya kumpendeza Mungu.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Apostle Tudor Bismark Demon Possession 1/1

What is Freemasonry and what do Freemasons believe?

Please note - by this article, we are not claiming that all who are involved in Freemasonry are cultists, or that all Freemasons believe all the items mentioned below. What we are saying is this - Freemasonry at its core is not a Christian organization. There are many Christians who have left Freemasonry after discovering what it is truly all about. Please visit Ex-Masons for Jesus for more information. There are also good and godly men, true believers in Christ who are Freemasons. It is our contention that this is because they do not truly understand Freemasonry. Each person should pray for wisdom and discernment from the Lord as to whether to be involved with Freemasonry. This article was reviewed and approved for accuracy by a former Worshipful Master of a Blue Lodge.

Question: "What is Freemasonry and what do Freemasons believe?"

Freemasonry,Eastern Star, and other similar "secret" organizations appear to be harmless fellowship gatherings. Many of them appear to promote belief in God. However, upon closer examination, we find that the only belief requirement is not that one must believe in the True and Living God, but rather, that one must believe in the existence of a “Supreme Being”, which includes the “gods” of Islam, Hinduism, or any other world religion. The unbiblical and anti-Christian beliefs and practices of this organization are partially hidden beneath an outward appearance of a supposed compatibility with the Christian faith. The following is a comparison of what the Bible says with the "official" position of Freemasonry:

Salvation from Sin:

The Bible’s View: Jesus became the sinner’s sacrifice before God when He shed His blood and died as the propitiation (payment) for the sins of all those who would ever believe (Ephesians 2:8-9,Romans 5:8,John 3:16).

Mason’s View: The very process of joining the Lodge requires Christians to ignore the exclusivity of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. According to Freemasonry, a person will be saved and go to heaven as a result of his good works and personal self-improvement.

The View of the Bible:

The Bible’s View: The supernatural and plenary inspiration of the Scriptures—that they are inerrant and that their teachings and authority are absolute, supreme, and final. The Bible is the Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16,1 Thessalonians 2:13).

Mason’s View: The Bible is only one of several “Volume(s) of Sacred Law,” all of which are deemed to be equally important in Freemasonry. The Bible is an important book, only as far as those members who claim to be Christians are concerned, just as the Koran is important to Muslims. The Bible is not considered to be the exclusive Word of God, nor is it considered to be God’s sole revelation of himself to humankind; but only one of many religious sourcebooks. It is a good guide for morality. The Bible is used primarily as a symbol of God’s will, which can also be captured in other sacred texts, like the Koran or Rig Vedas.

The Doctrine of God:

The Bible’s View: There is one God. The various names of God refer to the God of Israel and reveal certain attributes of God. To worship other gods or to call upon other deities is idolatry (Exodus 20:3). Paul spoke of idolatry as a heinous sin (1 Corinthians 10:14) and John said that idolaters will perish in hell (Revelation 21:8).

Mason’s View: All members must believe in a deity. Different religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam, etc.) acknowledge the same God, only call Him different names. Freemasonry invites people of all faiths, even if they use different names for the ‘Nameless One of a hundred names,’ they are yet praying to the one God and Father of all.

The Doctrine of Jesus and the Trinity:

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


In the world of ministry to the cults, some things become abstract definitions of things rather than understandings of people. I have to admit my relationship with the Jehovah's Witnesses had long slipped into that category until one night when my oldest son, Josh, slipped into my study with a worried look.

"Dad," he quietly began, "I have a real problem at school and I need your help." I smiled, wrongly thinking we were going to deal with some errant test score. "I've become good friends with a classmate who is a Jehovah's Witness," he continued. "He has tried to witness to me and I let him know that I'm a committed Christian, but I don't know how to share my own faith with him so that he would see the difference."

I felt like a Bus Driver whose children needed a ride and couldn't get one. I dusted off several of the books on the Witnesses that were there on the library shelf but soon realized that I needed to get down to basics with my son in a format that he could both understand and implement in his own way. I want to share a little of that with you.

It's a rare door that hasn't felt the knock of the Jehovah's Witnesses more than once and it's an even rarer Jehovah's Witness who has heard the gospel message at one of those doors from the resident Christian. The reason is simply that it is a far from simple task to witness to a Witness. It's easier to just close the door and avoid the difficult task of sorting through a maze of confusing doctrines. Let's try to make it a bit simpler.

There are five important facts to remember about the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower Organization.
1. They have accepted the Organization as the Prophet of God.
2. They have accepted the Organization as God's sole channel for His truth.
3. They believe that to reject the Organization is to reject God.

4. They believe that only the Organization can interpret the Bible; as individuals they are unable to do so.

5. They believe the Watchtower Magazine contains God's truth, directed by Him, through the Organization.

What does the Organization and Watchtower Magazine teach that is in conflict with Orthodox Christianity?

Jesus said to Thomas that HE IS THE LIVING GOD

John 14 ► Peshitta Holy Bible Translated Verse 5 and 6 Thoma said to him, “Our Lord, we do not know where you are going and how can we know ...