Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Bible's Anti-Christ is Islam's promised Messiah the Al Mahdi
666: Bible's Anti-Christ is Islam's promised Messiah the Al Mahdi / Satanic-Saturn worship/Spiritual deception/DARK ORIGINS OF ISLAM
Note: This information is not for the purpose of propagating hate, but to inform about the historical aspects of the worlds most popular religions.
There are 6666 verses in the Quran.
Lets start with that.
An Arabic slogan , if you will, which means:
Okay, now we look at the Greek representation of 666.
Χ ξ ς This is Greek for 666 told to us be John the Revelator in Revelation 13:18
The three symbols:
X stands for CHI, its value is 600
ξ stands for XI, its value is 60
ς stands for STIGMA , its value is 6
So, together its value is 666
This link will show you the representation of the numbers in Greek. The letters in red in the table show the Greek symbols for 666
[link to hubpages.com]
Now, lets do some tricks.
We take the last two symbols, the XI, ξ (60) and the STIGMA ς (6) .....
And we turn them 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
And LO! What do we get?
The STIGMA ,ς, looks and becomes the Arabic word BISM, meaning IN THE NAME OF.
The XI, ξ, resembles the word ALLAH in Arabic.(The ancient Moon God.)
WHat about the X?
The CHI, X, resembles the two crossed swords, the flag emblem of Saudi Arabia and others.
Taken together , the X, along with 666 becomes the two crossed swords and BISMILLAH!!!
Here's a pic :
[link to fitnah.net]
Enough said.
Following are some links and vids for your study:
Walid Shoebat - Mark of the Beast
[link to www.youtube.com]
Labyrinth of Truth pt.45 (The Cube)
[link to www.youtube.com]
Books by Walid Shoebat, and others :
[link to www.amazon.com]
God's War on Terror: Islam, Prophecy and the Bible by Walid Shoebat and Joel Richardson
Why I Left Jihad: The Root of Terrorism and the Return of Radical Islam by Walid Shoebat
Why We Want to Kill You: The Jihadist Mindset and How to Defeat It by Walid Shoebat
The Islamic Antichrist: The Shocking Truth about the Real Nature of the Beast by Joel Richardson
Islam: What the West Needs to Know ~ Robert Spencer, Walid Shoebat, Bat Yeor, and Serge Trifkovic
Other links:
Arabic calligraphy for Bismillah. (Sixth post down)
[link to www.december212012.com]
THE MARK OF THE BEAST: ( Detailed explanation )
[link to yeshuaforyou.com]
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