Wednesday, December 31, 2014



Hiki ni kitabu chenye siri nzito za Freemasons na Illuminanti.
Ni mpango wa Shetani kuangamiza sheria ya Mungu tangu mwanzo. Shetani amekuwa
akifanya vita dhidi ya amri 10 za Mungu ambazo ndicho kipimo pekee cha utii kwa
Mungu. Katika vita hiyo, Shetani amekuwa akitumia mawakala wa aina mbalimbali kiasi
cha kufanikiwa kuwadanganya mamilioni ya watu duniani nao wakaiacha sheria ya
Mungu na kufuata mafundisho yaliyo maagizo ya wanadamu. Shetani ameanzisha kanisa
lake na kuweka amri 11 kinyume cha amri 10 za Mungu. Mbeleni tutaona jinsi waumini
wa Shetani kwa dini la Freemasons na Illuminati wanavyotumia namba na ishara katika
kazi zao duniani kiasi cha kuwapofusha watu huku wakidhani kwamba wanamuabudu
Mungu wa mbinguni kumbe wanamuabudu Shetani mwenyewe.
Tunaishi katika nyakati za hatari. Majanga yameenea kila mahali. Machafuko ya kila
aina yameenea ulimwenguni kote. Ubakaji, matetemeko ya ardhi, moto usiowezekana
kuzimwa, mafuriko wakati wa kiangazi, migomo ya wafanyakazi, maporomoko ya ardhi,
kuyumba kwa uchumi, milipuko ya Volkano na mengine mengi yanazidi kutokea kila
kukicha, tena katika mataifa makubwa yaliyoendelea na hata kuitwa ‘mataifa ya
ulimwengu wa kwanza’.
Kuongezeka kwa machafuko haya ya asili na kisiasa yanawafanya wanadamu wawe na
hofu kuhusu maisha yao ya baadae. Inaonekana kana kwamba tupo katika ncha ya
mwisho mbele yetu kukiwa na shimo kubwa tayari kuangukia shimoni. Yote haya ni
dalili za mwisho wa wakati kwa wale walio na masikio ya kusikia na macho ya kuona,
kwamba ulimwengu hautaendelea kwa muda mrefu ukiwa katika hali hii. Mioyo ya watu
inajawa na hofu kwa haya yanayotokea (Luka 21:26). Na watu wanajiuliza maswali:
“kwa nini haya yanatokea?” “Je, Shetani ametawala kikamilifu?”
Hapana, Mungu hajawaacha watu wake waaminifu, lakini maswali hayo yote
yanaonyesha kwamba kuna kitu nyuma ya matukio haya kuliko wengi wanavyoweza
Kuna vita kali inayoendelea kati ya nguvu za nuru na nguvu za giza —-vita kali kati
ya Yesu na Shetani—-na matokeo yake ndiyo yanayoonekana kwa wanadamu ikiwa ni
matukio hayo. Hata hivyo Mungu wa mbinguni amewaambia watu wake kwamba “muda
ubakio si mwingi.” Na anaendelea kusema “Tukijua ya kwamba saa ya kuamka katika
usingizi imewadia, kwa maana sasa wokovu wetu u karibu nasi kuliko tulipoanza
kuamini. Usiku umeenda sana, mchana umekaribia, basi, na tuyavue matendo ya giza, na
kuzivaa silaha za nuru.” 1 Wakor 7:29; Warumi 13:11-13.
Paulo anatueleza kwamba “Tuvae silaha za Mungu,” ndipo tutakapoweza kusimama
dhidi ya madanganyo ya Mwovu (Waefeso 6:11).
Nilipokuwa nasoma unabii wa Danieli, Ezekieli, Ufunuo nk sikujua jinsi unabii huu
utakavyotimia na kwamba kumbe kundi linalofanya kazi zake kwa siri kubwa ndilo
linalotimiza unabii huu kwa kiasi kikubwa sana.
Wengi hawana habari na madanganyo haya ya Shetani na Mungu ametuagiza
kwamba tusiwe wajinga kiasi cha kutotambua mbinu za Shetani na hivyo “Shetani
akapata kutushinda” 2 Wakorintho 2:11.
Mafanikio makubwa ya Shetani katika udanganyifu yamepatikana kwa njia ya
kuwafanya watu wawe wajinga wa mbinu anazotumia katika kazi yake. Wakati
tunapokuwa wajinga au kuchanganyikiwa, ndipo Shetani anapotushinda na amefanikiwa
kwa kiasi kikubwa kuwashinda wanaume na wanawake wengi ulimwenguni. Hivyo
hatupaswi kulala usingizi na kushindwa kutambua kile kinachoendelea katika ulimwengu
wa giza. Kwa nini? Kwasababu “Mshitaki wenu, kama simba angurumaye, huzunguka
zunguka, akitafuta mtu ammeze.” 1 Petro 5:8; Ufunuo 12:12.
Mwovu anajua kwamba muda wake ni mchache na hivyo halali akiwa anafanya kazi
ya kuuongoza ulimwengu kuelekea katika uangamivu wa mwisho. Watu wa Mungu
karibu watajaribiwa. Wale wasioshinda kwa damu ya mwana kondoo watapata hofu ya
majaribu na hivyo kushindwa.
Lakini ni kwa njia gani Shetani anafanya kazi yake? Anafanya kazi kupitia mawakala
gani? Jibu linatolewa na Mungu. kwa upendo mwingi Mungu anatufunulia wahusika
wakuu katika mchakato huu wa vita ya mwisho kati ya Kristo na Shetani. Wahusika
hawa ndio wanaostahili kulaumiwa kutokana na matokeo tunayoyaona katika ulimwengu
wote kama yalivyotajwa hapo juu.
Katika kitabu cha Ufunuo, Mungu anatufunuliwa wahusika au mawakala watano
ambao ni:
1—Mnyama mwekundu wa Ufunuo 12—Shetani mwenyewe
2—Mnyama mfano wa chui wa Ufunuo 13—Rumi ya kidini
3—Mnyama mfano wa mwana kondoo wa Ufunuo 13:11—Taifa la Marekani
4—Sanamu ya Mnyama Ufunuo 13—Umoja wa makanisa —WCC
5—Mnyama wa rangi nyekundu sana na mwanamke wa Ufunuo 17—-Illuminati,
freemason wakiwa wameungana na kanisa la Rumi..

Was Jesus Rich


Jesus was given gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh as a 2 year old child. The frankincense and myrrh were worth more than the gold!

Matthew 2: 11, "And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshipped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh."


Jesus inherited His earthly father Joseph's home, and also Joseph's family business, according to the culture of His day, since He was the eldest Son

Jesus was not just carpenter. His business was a family business, probably called "Joseph and sons." Jesus was actually a builder of houses, as well as the tables and chairs in them! He built houses, complete with the roof, walls, doors, windows, tables, chairs and beds. In Israel today can be seen replica New Testament villages.

The two main businesses in Israel during the lifetime of Jesus were the building of homes, and fishing. Fishing was the high tech industry of the day, feeding thousands of people every day on the Via Maris, as well as the entire population of Israel. Jesus' disciples were the New Testament equivalent of today's City Traders!


Jesus Christ created the entire universe

Jesus Christ created the entire universe, in six days (please see our teaching on Creation: The Genesis Account on this web site). The Bible records:

- John 1:1-3, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made".

- Colossians 1:15-17,"He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him".

Jesus Christ's occupation was Master Builder

Jesus Christ's occupation was a master builder before His Earthly ministry.

Jesus Christ is now the Master Builder of our lives

Jesus Christ is still the Master Builder, transforming us, little by little, into His Likeness. According to 1 Corinthians 6:19, "Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you".

Jesus Christ builds our lives, as recorded in 2 Corinthians 3:18-4:1, "But we Christians have no veil over our faces; we can be mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord. And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him" TLB.

Jesus Christ is the best possible foundation on which to build our lives

Jesus said, in Luke 6:47-49, "Whoever comes to Me, and hears My sayings and does them, I will show you whom he is like. He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against that house, and could not shake it, for it was founded on the rock. But he who heard and did nothing is like a man who built a house on the earth without a foundation, against which the stream beat vehemently; and immediately it fell. And the ruin of that house was great."

Jesus is now the Master Builder of our lives.


Monday, December 29, 2014

Empirical Evidence for God

Outline of impeccable Evidences for Theism to non theism.

1. Contingency – Why does something exist rather than nothing? Self-existence is necessary. Universe began. Universe is not self-existent.

2. Cosmological – Absolute beginning requires a cause. Cause of Physical Universe cannot be Physical. Must be non-physical, space-less, timeless and willful to cause Physical Universe from Physical Nothingness.

3. Design: specified complexity, specifically integrated interdependencies for third purposes, irreducible complexity. No plausible Naturalistic mechanisms or explanations actually exist.

Precision FINELY TUNED constants and quantities present in initial conditions of the Universe to within infinitesimally narrow ranges to permit life. Universe is precision balanced on razor’s edge.

4. Ontological argument – God is a metaphysically necessary Being. Since God’s attributes are metaphysically possible, and all metaphysical possibilities are also actual, God must be actual.

5. Intelligence in Nature: Intelligence, order and reason and information all from Nothingness?
Spiritual instinct of man: Evolved to connect with something not actual?

Moral Truth / Apprehension of Objective moral truth. Is rape really wrong or just an illusion?
Knowledge of reliable Natural Laws
Massive Historical evidences of witnessed Miracles, visions, fulfilled prophecies,
Personal experiences: Ubiquitous NDE’s, supernatural phenomena
Christ’s resurrection witnessed by hundreds.

Absolute failure of Naturalism to explain a Finely tuned Universe, Finite Universe, Sentience, Rational truth Moral Law (morality), reliable knowledge, intelligence, purpose, free-will…

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Ushuhuda wa Victoria Juu ya Kuzimu

Muda Unaisha Haraka!
Huu ni ufupisho wa ushuhuda wa Victoria Nehale

Nilizaliwa na kuishi Namibia maisha yangu yote; na niliyatoa maisha yangu kwa Yesu tarehe 06 Februari 2005. Bwana Yesu Kristo ameshanifunulia mambo mengi katika ulimwengu wa roho ikiwa ni pamoja na safari za kuzimu. Bwana alinipa maelekezo kwamba niwashirikishe watu uzoefu wangu; pia alinionya kuwa nisiongeze wala kupunguza chochote katika vile alivyonionyesha na kuniambia. Wakati nikiandika kitabu hiki, mwishoni mwa 2006, nilishatembelewa mara 33 na Bwana Yesu Kristo. Kila aliponitembelea, Bwana alikuwa akiniambia kabla ya kuondoka: MUDA UNAISHA HARAKA!
Safari ya kwanza kuzimu
Katika wikiendi ya tarehe 23 Julai 2005, nilipanda taksi kwa ajili ya safari ya dakika thelathini kutokea mji wa Ondangwa ambako ndiko ninakofanya kazi na kuishi, hadi kijijini kwetu, kwa lengo la kwenda kuwa na wazazi wangu wakati wa wikiendi ile. Wakati nikielekea nyumbani, nilipata hisia kwamba kuna jambo lisilo la kawaida ambalo lingetokea jioni ile. Nilifika nyumbani kwenye saa 12 jioni; na hapo watu walikuwa wanaandaa chakula cha jioni. Nilikuwa jikoni pamoja na familia yetu, huku nikiwa nimelala kwenye mkeka. Watoto wa hapo nyumbani walikuwa wakiimba nyimbo zao za Shule ya Jumapili. Ghafla nilijisikia upako mzito ukinishukia; mwili wangu ukawa dhaifu sana; na nikawa nimetoka kwenye mwili kutokana na nguvu za Mungu. Nilimwona mwanamume amevaa joho jeupe refu likiwa limefungwa kwa kamba ya rangi ileile; akiwa anatembea kuelekea pale nilikokuwa nimelala. Kulikuwa na nuru imemzunguka kana kwamba ilikuwa ikitokea kwake. Alikuwa amevaa viatu vya wazi vya kahawia. Mwonekano wake ulikuwa kama wa watu wa Mashariki ya Kati, huku akiwa na ngozi nzuri ya hudhurungi. Uso wake ulikuwa mpole sana na umejaa utukufu lakini sikuweza kumtazama machoni. Alipoongea, sauti yake ilikuwa ya upole, na upendo, lakini pia yenye mamlaka; mawimbi ya upendo yalikuwa yakitoka kwake.
Alinyoosha mkono wake kwangu na kuninyanyua kutokea pale nilipolala. Ghafla nilijiona nikiwa nina mwili mzuri sana. Nilijiona niko kama nilivyokuwa ningali na miaka kumi na nane. Nilikuwa nimevaa joho jeupe na kamba nyeupe. Japokuwa joho langu lilikuwa jeupe, lilitengenezwa kwa matirio tofauti na ya joho la yule mwanamume. Joho lake lilikuwa la hariri huku liking’aa kiasi kwamba hata nashindwa namna ya kuelezea.
Alisema, kwa sauti ya upendo na upole sana: “Victoria, nataka uende nami; nitakuonyesha mambo ya kuogopesha na ninakupekela mahali ambako haujawahi kufika katika maisha yako.” Alinishika mkono wa kulia na tukaondoka. Nilijiona kama vile tunatembea hewani na muda wote tulikuwa tukielekea tu juu. Baada ya muda, nikawa nimechoka sana, na nikamwambia kuwa nisingeweza kuendelea na safari. Hivyo nikamsihi aniruhusu nirudi. Hata hivyo, alinitazama kwa upendo na kusema, “Haujachoka – uko sawa tu. Kama ukichoka, nitakubeba, lakini kwa hivi sasa uko tu sawa. Amani iwe kwako. Tuendelee.”
Tulifika mahali ambako ni pakavu sana; pakavu kuliko jangwa lolote analojua binadamu; hakukuwa na dalili zozote za uhai. Hakukuwa hata na mti mmoja au hata jani au kiumbe chochote hai. Lilikuwa ni eneo linalofadhaisha sana.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Former Muslim from Afghanistan now living in Sweden says “all of my country’s problems are caused by Islam”

If more Muslims in Sweden were like this courageous man, there would be no problems. Reza asked me to post this video even though it could put him in danger.

YES, the murderer who just killed 2 NYC cops is a Muslim. His name is ‘Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley’

According to police reports and his Facebook page, he was a Muslim. Thankfully, now, he is a dead Muslim. Reports say it was a revenge mission for Eric Garner & Michael Brown.


According to his Facebook page, Brinsley speaks Arabic. His favorite quotation on his page is: The Foot You Step On Today Could Be Connected To The The Ass You May Have To Kiss Tomorrow. On his Facebook page he went by the moniker “Bleau Barracuda.” According to an arrest sheet for Brinsley from 2007 in Georgia, his middle name is Abdullah. In that incident, Brinsley was accused of criminal trespass. 


Ismaaiyl Brinsley shot and killed two NYPD officers before committing suicide in Brooklyn’s Bed Stuy neighborhood just before 3 p.m. on December 20. He’s believed to have walked up to the cop’s patrol car and opened fire, “execution” style. The murdered cops have been named as officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos.

He’s believed to have walked up to the cop’s patrol car and opened fire, “execution” style. After the shooting, he took his own life. Brinsley, 28, ran to the platform of a Subway station on Marcy Avenue and killed himself with a self-inflicted gunshot wound, reports NBC New York. He was taken to a Brooklyn hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival. Police recovered a silver handgun from his death scene.

One of his last Instagram posts included lyrics to the 50 Cent song “Green Lantern,” never had a hot gun on your waist and blood on your shoe…n*gger you ain’t been through what I been through you not like me and I’m not like you.” The post included the hashtags, “#BrooklynGoHard #ConeyIsland,” reports the New York Post. The next showed a picture of a silver handgun with the words “I’m putting wings on pigs today. They take 1 of ours…Let’s take 2 of theirs.” It included the hashtags “#shootthepolice” as well as references to Michael Brown and Eric Garner.

Isn’t it time for Muslims to stop blaming the media for “distorting the image of Islam?”

It is Muslims themselves who are showing the world exactly how violent Islam is which is no distortion.


Unfortunately, the author of the whiny drivel below is Huma Munir, a MUSLIM teacher in the San Antonio school distirct.

American Statesman  This past weekend, the world held its breath as a manMUSLIM who took control of a cafe in Sydney held more than a dozen people hostage for 16 hours.

The incident is deeply concerning not only because innocent lives were put at risk but also because the Islamic affirmation of faith was clearly visible from the window of the Lindt cafe in Martin Place. While Muslims around the world spoke against this atrocity and prayed for victims, they also saw their faith being defamed by a lunatic on live television. (But he wasn’t a lunatic, he was a normal Muslim doing what Muslims do around the world on a regular basis)


As the situation unfolded, I felt a familiar feeling of guilt creeping into my heart.(Guilt? HAH! More like “Let me cry that I am the victim of Islamophobia”)

I moved to the United States 13 years ago — three weeks after 9/11 (Timing is everything). Like many Muslims in America and western nations, I have become strangely accustomed to this feeling every time the Islamic State or another terrorist organization rises to power and takes innocent lives in the name of Islam. (Pretty much on a weekly basis)


Utangulizi : Siku zote Mkristo Mwana wa Mungu ,anapomuelezea Mungu katika ukuu na uwezo wake,kwa wale wasioamini hususani Waislam na Mashahidi wa Jehova (Jehova’s Witness), na akamtaja Mungu huyo kuwa ni Mungu katika Utatu Mktakatifu, huzuka malumbano au mabishano kuhusu jambo hilo. Mashahidi wa Yehova husema wale wanaomini katika Utatu Mtakatifu wamefuata imani za kipagani kwa sababu katika Biblia nzima hakuna mahali popote palipoandikwa Utatu Mtakatifu upinzani huo huandikwa mara kwa mara katika vijarida mbali mbali .
Hoja kuu kuwahusu ni kuwa siku zote hawapendi kukupa nafasi uwaelekeze kwa nini unasema hivyo , bali wakati wote hukutaka uoneshe neno “Utatu Mtakatifu “ ndani ya Biblia. Na kwa hakika hupati neno hilo “ Utatu Mtakatifu” ndani ya Biblia .
Swali la ufahamu : Je kukosekana neno UTATU MTAKATIFU ndani ya Biblia kama wanavyodai mashahidi wa Yehova kuna mfanya Mungu asiwe wa Utatu ? Jibu la swali hili ni rahisi sana SI KWELI. Hii ni kwa sababu, kuna maneno ambayo hayapo ndani ya Bblia yakimhusu Mungu, lakini yatumikapo huleta maana nzuri na yenye uhakika kuhusu yeye Mungu .Maneno hayo yanapotamkwa kwa lugha ya kigeni ni Omnipotence yaani Mungu ni mwenye nguvu zisizo shindikana na chochote , Omnipresence yaani Mungu yupo mahali pote kwa wakati wote na Omniscience yaani Mungu anajua yote maneno haya yaani Omnipotence , Omnipresence na Omniscience hayajaandikwa katika Biblia ya lugha ya Kiingereza, lakini yatamkwapo hueleza jambo la maana na lenye umuhimu kumhusu Mungu. Ndivyo ilivyopia kwa neno “Utatu Mtakatifu” yaani Trinity”
Waislam wao hupinga utatu mtakatifu kwa kujaribu kusoma baadhi ya aya zilizomo ndani ya Quran, kitabu kinachoongoza imani yao hasa pale wanaposema katika Suratul Al- Maidah,(meza), 5:73 “Kwa hakika wamekufuru wale waliosema mwenyenzi Mungu ni mmoja katika (wale waungu) watatu (yeye ndiye watatu wao ) hali hakuna mungu ila Mwenyezi Mungu mmoja ( tu peke yake) na kama hawataacha hayo wasemayo kwa yakini itawakamata wale wanaoendelea na ukafiri miongoni mwao adhabu iumizayo”.
Unaposoma ufafanuzi wa aya hiyo ya 73 iliyomo ndani ya Qurani hiyo hiyo unasema “unatajwa ukafiri wa kinasara (Ukristo) kwa itikadi zao zote tatu kuwa Nabii Issa (a) Mungu au (b) Mtoto wa Mungu au (c) Mmoja katika waungu hao watatu “yeyote katika itikadi hizi ni ukafiri usiokuwa na shaka na jaza yake ni moto tu”
Pengine jambo linalowasumbua waislam ni ukosefu wa ufahamu kuwa siku zote wanapomfikiria Issa kuwa ndiye Yesu wanapotoka sana .Hii ni kwa sababu Issa siye Yesu na tunatambua hayo hasa tunaposoma vitabu vya kiislam vilivyoandikwa na wanazuoni (wasomi ) wakubwa wa kiislam. Kwa mfano katika Qurani ya Tafsiri ya Imam Baidhwaw, juzuu 1 uk 160 ,anasema Issa maana yake ni wekundu unaozidiana na weupe, na wengine husema Issa maana yake ni dume la ngamia .Hoja hizi zinaungwa mkono na hadithi mbalimbali za kiislamu, zinazomzungumzia Issa, hasa ile inayopatikana katika Sahihi Bukhari Juzuu 4 Hadithi 653, na katika Al-lulu wal- Marjan,kitabu cha 3 Hadithi na 1528 uk.883 “Hadithi ya Abu Huraira (r.a) kutoka kwa Mtume (s.a.w) amesema “Issa Ibn Mariam (a,s) alimwona mtu anaiba akamuuliza !umeiba? akasema hapana ,Naapa kwa Allah ambaye hakuna mola isipokuwa yeye .Issa (a.s) akasema nimemuamini Allah na limeniongopea jicho langu”.
Huyu Issa hawezi kuwa ndiye Yesu kwa sababu Yesu anayajua yote hahitaji kuelezwa na mtu .Katika Injili ya Yohana 1:47-48 “ Basi Yesu akamwona Nathanael anakuja kwake, akanena habari zake “Tazama Mwizraeli kweli kweli hamna hila ndani yake. Nathaeli akamwambia umepataje kunitambua? Yesu akajibu akamwambia, Kabla Filipo hajakuita ulipokuwapo chini ya mtini nilikuona”
Hivyo maelezo yaliyomo katika Quran pamoja na vitabu vya hadithi za kiislam yana thibitisha kuwa Issa siyo Yesu kwa sababu jina Yesu ni sawa na jina la kiebrania Yehshua ambalo maana yake Mwokozi Math 1: 21, Lk 2: 10- 11. Pia Yesu aliyajua yote hata yaliyomo katika mioyo ya watu hata bila ya wao kusema Marko 2: 8 , Yoh 1: 48-50 tofauti na Issa ambaye hajui jambo lolote na kwa mujibu wa Quran na hadithi zake Issa atahukumiwa kwenda Jehanamu ya moto (Suratul Anbiyaa, (manabii) 21:98, na 5:116-117). Kwa msaada zaidi wa kujua tofauti ya Issa na Yesu agiza kwetu somo hili tunalo.
Hoja wanazotumia mashahidi wa Yehova kupinga fundisho la utatu.
Math 4: 1 “ Yesu alijaribiwa na Ibilisi”
Yakobo 1: 13 “ Mungu hajaribiwi “
Yoh 8: 40 “ Yesu alisema mimi mtu”
Yoh 17: 3 “ Yesu alisema wakujue wewe mungu wa pekee.
I Tim 2: 5 “ Yesu ni mwanadamu tu ( siyo Mungu)

Sunday, December 14, 2014

RIFQA BARY, who defied her Muslim parents by secretly converting to Christianity as a 17-year-old, still feels her life is in danger

Muslim convert to Christianity, Rifqa Bary, now 22, writes her first book about her secret conversion to Christianity when she was just 17 and running away from her Ohio home to live with a Christian pastor’s family in Florida who took her in after her father threatened to honor-kill her for her apostasy.

Aysha & Mohamed Bary (left) vs Rifqa (right)
Aysha & Mohamed Bary (left) vs Rifqa (right)

Columbus Dispatch  (h/t Reader) A 22-year-old woman has written a book about running away from her central Ohio home as a teenager after converting from Islam to Christianity — a case that gained national attention and pitted Christian fundamentalists against Muslims.


Rifqa Bary’s Hiding in the Light: Why I Risked Everything to Leave Islam and Follow Jesus is scheduled for release on May 5.


Bary, a native of Sri Lanka, was 17 and living with her family near New Albany when she ran away to Florida in 2009. She claimed that her Muslim father had threatened her for converting, but authorities in Ohio and Florida found no evidence of that.

(Of course not, the Muslim parents denied it, so it was Rifqa’s word against theirs. The “authorities” never bothered to do any research on the punishment required for apostasy in Islam)


In a news release, publisher WaterBrook Press said Bary is now a college student living in an undisclosed location and still convinced her life is under threat.

“In the Islamic culture, women do not have a voice. My goal in writing is for my pen to be my voice,” Bary said in the release. A publicist said she was unavailable to comment.


RELATED STORIES/VIDEOS about the court battle between Rifqa and her parents

UNBELIEVABLE! Leave it to a filthy leftist writer at the UK Guardian to trash one of the biggest charitable Christian organizations in the world


The evangelical giftwrapping of “Islamophobia” marches on, by Giles Fraser. “It’s depressing that a decade after I wrote about a Christian charity’s thinly disguised Islamophobia, they’re still at it.”

The Guardian  It’s a simple idea. Find an empty shoe box. Fill it with toys, toothpaste or school crayons. And allow Operation Christmas Child to fly it out to some of the neediest children in the world. It’s the sort of thing that you can do together as a family. And it’s a pretty good way to introduce our children to how fortunate they are in comparison to others – not a bad lesson at Christmas.


Given this, it is unsurprising that hundreds of UK schools have become involved.  Samaritanspurse – What we do

So far, so good. Except all is not quite what it seems with this charity. Yes, it is open about the fact that it is an evangelical Christian organisation, with a mission to share the love of Jesus with those who do not believe in him. It is slightly shifty about the fact that it distributes evangelical literature along with the boxes – though not actually in them – and that this literature promotes an exclusivist version of Christianity in the form of innocuous-looking comic book with the sinister message slipped in:


“There is only one way to be friends with God.” In many places these boxes are distributed, this is thinly disguised code for: Islam is wrong. (It is!)


And here we come to the heart of the purpose of OCC. For, according to the boss and guiding force of OCC, Franklin Graham – son of the evangelist Billy Graham – Islam is not just wrong, it is “a very wicked and evil religion.” (It is!)And by that he does not mean that Islam has been taken over by dangerous radicals, but that Islam itself is intrinsically evil. (It is!)


He recently told the British journalist Ruth Gledhill that Islam has been the same for 1,500 years. It “has not been hijacked by radicals” but is essentially a “religion of war.” (Right again) But this comes from someone who, when recently asked about Muslim fundamentalism, insisted that they only respond to force… I think there is going to have to be much large US involvement militarily. 


This is also a man who thinks the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated every level of our government (they have) and that President Obama’s “problem” is that “he was born a Muslim, his father was a Muslim. The seed of Islam is passed through the father”. (He was and it was)


This year 60,000 OCC shoe boxes have been shipped off to Islamic State-displaced children in northern Iraq. It’s an irresistible political move for Graham and his compatriots. “These children will be reminded that there is a God who loves them,” says OCC domestic director Randy Riddle, making a clear contrast to the Muslim God that doesn’t. “That is the point and purpose of Operation Christmas Child, to share the love of Jesus Christ.”


A lot of fuss has been made about Muslim charities like Islamic Relief supporting the political agenda of violent religious radicalism, something of which it has been cleared. But we seem unconcerned that many of our schools might be supporting something remarkably similar – in Christian form. More than a decade ago, in this paper, I wrote a column criticizing OCC for “giftwapping Islamophobia”. It is depressing to find that, since then, very little has changed. (No, idiots like you are what is depressing)

CANADA rewrites the book on asylum for refugees from war-torn Syria

Canada will now give first priority to Syrian refugees from ‘religious minorities’…NOT MUSLIMS!

Refugee advocacy organizations in Canada have been asking the government to take in 10,000 more Syrians over the next two years, and the UN says it is in dire need of assistance as the civil war intensifies. Canada has agreed to open its doors..but with a unique stipulation…ONLY refugees from religious minorities, especially Christians, will be allowed to immigrate. 
Naturally the UN and Muslim advocacy groups have their panties in a bunch over this. The UNHCR’s policy on refugees says a resettlement state determines the “size and composition” of who and how many refugees it accepts, and “therefore has full control with respect to decisions on individual cases.”

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Show me where in the Koran that Allah loves me as the sinner that I am, and I will become a Muslim

"An 11-year old Arab Christian girl was listening to an Islamic scholar preach about Allah. When he was done, the little girl approached him and said this – “show me where in the Koran that Allah loves me as the sinner that I am, and I will become a Muslim.” The dumbstruck man was silent for a long time, and then walked away. He had no answer to give her. Why?

Because the Allah of the Koran does not love the sinner, or the unrighteous, or the lost, or the struggling, or the backslider. Allah of the Koran displays only a highly-qualified, conditional type of “love”, and it is for Muslims only. The Koran clearly teaches that Allah hates non-Muslims

Qur’an 3:31-32—Say [O Muhammad]: If you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your faults, and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. Say: Obey Allah and the Apostle; but if they turn back, then surely Allah does not love the unbelievers.

Qur’an 30:43-45—Then turn thy face straight to the right religion before there come from Allah the day which cannot be averted; on that day they shall become separated. Whoever disbelieves, he shall be responsible for his disbelief, and whoever does good, they prepare (good) for their own souls, that He may reward those who believe and do good out of His grace; surely He does not love the unbelievers.

Je, Yesu alisema kuwa Yeye ni Mungu?

“Wahubiri wa injili” wa Kiislamu huwa wanapinga kuwa Yesu ni Mungu na unapowakatalia wanakwambia, “Lete andiko.” Maandiko yapo mengi sana ndani ya Biblia juu ya ukweli kwamba Yesu ni Mungu. Ni mengi mno!

Ukishawapa andiko, wanabadilika na kusema, “Nataka maneno aliyoongea Yesu mwenyewe.”

Hiki ni kigezo POTOFU na si cha kibiblia hata kidogo. Ukweli ni kwamba, Biblia YOTE ni Neno la Mungu. Haijalishi amezungumza Musa, Isaya, Yohana, Petro au Yesu mwenyewe. Imeandikwa:
Maana unabii haukuletwa po pote kwa mapenzi ya mwanadamu; bali wanadamu walinena yaliyotoka kwa Mungu, wakiongozwa na Roho Mtakatifu. (2Petro 1:21).

Hivyo, kudai kwao eti, “Nataka maneno aliyosema Yesu mwenyewe,” ni kigezo batili na kisicho na mantiki hata kidogo.

Ufuatao ni ushahidi wa kibiblia kwamba YESU KRISTO  ni Mungu.

Yohana 8:58
Yesu akawaambia, Amin, amin, nawaambia, Yeye IBRAHIMU ASIJAKUWAKO, MIMI NIKO.
NIKO ni jina la Mungu peke yake. Tunakutana na jina hilo pale Musa alipoongea na Mungu na kutumwa kuwakomboa wana wa Israeli kutoka Misri. Imeandikwa:
Musa akamwambia Mungu, Tazama, nitakapofika kwa wana wa Israeli, na kuwaambia, Mungu wa baba zenu amenituma kwenu; nao wakaniuliza, Jina lake n'nani? Niwaambie nini? Mungu akamwambia Musa, MIMI NIKO AMBAYE NIKO (Kutoka 3:13-14).

Jesus said to Thomas that HE IS THE LIVING GOD

John 14 ► Peshitta Holy Bible Translated Verse 5 and 6 Thoma said to him, “Our Lord, we do not know where you are going and how can we know ...