Monday, September 23, 2013


Discover God’s Attributes

Many Reformed theologians distinguish between the communicable attributes (those that human beings can also have) and the incommunicable attributes (those that belong to God alone). Many of these attributes only say what God is not - for example, saying he is immutable is saying that he does not change. The attributes of God may be classified under two main categories:
1.    His infinite powers.
2.    His personality attributes, like holiness and love.
Because God is a personal Spirit…
I will seek intimate fellowship with Him.
“I reach out for You. I thirst for You as parched land thirsts for rain.” (Psalm 143.6)

Because God is all-powerful…

He can help me with anything.
“O Sovereign LORD! You have made the heavens and earth by Your great power. Nothing is too hard for You!” (Jeremiah 32:17)
  • God has the power to create anything from nothing (Ps. 33:6-9)
  • God has power to deliver (Exod. 13:3)
  • God’s creative power is beyond our comprehension (Job 38:1-11)
  • God speaks and things happen (Ps. 29:3-9)
  • His resurrection power is immeasurably great (Eph. 1:19-20)
  • His creation reflects His power (Ps. 19:1-4)
  • His powerful word sustains everything (Heb. 1:3)
  • He has power over death (Rev. 1:18)
  • No one can challenge what God does (Dan. 4:35)
  • Reveals Himself as the almighty God (Gen. 17:1)
  • Omnipotence
    The omnipotence of God refers to him being "all powerful". This is often conveyed with the phrase "Almighty", as in the Old Testament title "God Almighty" (the conventional translation of the Hebrew title El Shaddai) and the title "God the Father Almighty" in the Apostles' Creed.
    Jesus says in Matthew 19:26, "with God all things are possible". C. S. Lewis clarifies this concept: "His Omnipotence means power to do all that is intrinsically possible, not to do the intrinsically impossible. You may attribute miracles to him, but not nonsense. This is no limit to his power."[31]

Because God is ever-present…

He is always with me.
“Where can I go from Your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence? If I go up to the heavens, You are there; if I make my bed in the depths, You are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me, Your right hand will hold me fast. If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” even the darkness will not be dark to You; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to You. , (Psalms 139:7-12)
  • all creation is dependent upon His presence (Col. 1:17)
  • God’s continual presence brings contentment (Heb. 13:5)
  • God is everywhere and no one can escape Him (Ps. 139:7-12)
  • no task is too large or too difficult for Him (Jer. 32:17, 27)
  • One cannot hide from God (Jer. 23:23-24)
  • Omnipresence
    The omnipresence of God refers to him being present everywhere. Berkhof distinguishes between God's immensity and his omnipresence, saying that the former "points to the fact that God transcends all space and is not subject to its limitations," emphasising his transcendence, while the latter denotes that God "fills every part of space with His entire Being," emphasising his immanence.[32] In Psalm 139David says, "If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there" (Psalm 139:8NIV).

Because God knows everything…

I will go to Him with all my questions and concerns.
“He determines the course of world events; He removes kings and sets others on the throne. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the scholars.” (Daniel 2:21)
The omniscience of God refers to him being "all knowing". Berkhof regards the wisdom of God as a "particular aspect of his knowledge."[33] Romans 16:27 speaks about the "only wise God".

Because God is sovereign…

I will joyfully submit to His will.
“All the people of the earth are nothing compared to Him. He has the power to do as He pleases among the angels of heaven and with those who live on earth. No one can stop Him or challenge Him, saying, ‘What do You mean by doing these things?”‘ (Daniel 4:35)
  • God controls time and seasons (Dan. 2:21)
  • God powerfully delivered His people from Egypt (Exod. 12:29-32; 13:13-31)
  • God has dominion over the affairs of people (Job 12:13-25)
  • God controls nature for His purposes (Job 37:2-13)
  • God chose His people to become like Christ (Rom. 8:28-30)
  • God chose His people before He made the world (Eph. 1:4)
  • God’s eternal purpose is to make His wisdom known (Eph. 3:10-11)
  • He raises and removes rulers (Dan. 2:21)
  • He has a plan for His people and will carry it out (Eph. 1:5, 11)
  • He chose His people to save and purify them (2 Thess. 2:13)
  • He is the only Sovereign (1 Tim. 1:17; 6:15)
  • The Creator looks after His creation (Ps. 104:3-32)
  • The powerful Creator reduces human rulers to nothing (Isa. 40:21-26)
  • Relationship with God requires worship (John 4:24)
  • God has dominion over the affairs of people (Job 12.13-25)
  • God controls nature for His purposes (Job 37:2-13)
  • God chose His people to become like Christ (Rom. 8:28-30)
  • God chose His people before He made the world (Eph. 1:4)
  • God’s eternal purpose is to make His wisdom known (Eph. 3:10-11)
  • He raises and removes rulers (Dan. 2:21)
  • He has a plan for His people and will carry it out (Eph. 1:5, 11)
  • He chose His people to save and purify them (2 Thess. 2:13)
  • He is the only Sovereign (1 Tim. 1:17; 6:15)

Because God is holy…

I will devote myself to Him in purity, worship, and service.
“So obey God because you are His children. Don’t slip back into your old ways of doing evil; you didn’t know any better then. But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God—who chose you to be His children—is holy. For He Himself has said, “You must be holy because I am holy ” (1 Peter 1:14-16)
  • God guards His holy reputation (Ezek. 36:21-23)
  • God’s holiness demands exclusive worship (Josh. 24:19)
  • He disciplines believers to impart His holiness to them (Heb. 12:10)
  • His holiness is unique (Exod. 15:11)
  • His holiness is the standard for believers’ behavior (Lev. 19:2; 1 Pet. 1:15-16)
  • His holy presence rejects impurity (Isa. 6:3-5)
  • No one else is holy like He is (1 Sam. 2:2)
  • The most holy One deserves constant honor (Rev. 4:8)

Because God is absolute truth…

I will believe what He says and live accordingly.
“You are truly My disciples if you keep obeying My teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31,32)
  • believers know that God is true (John 3:33)
  • eternal life is knowing the only true God (John 17:3)
  • even if all humanity lies, God remains true (Rom. 3:4)
  • God is the Truth (John 14:6)
  • God follows through on His promises (Num. 11:22-23; 31-34)
  • God’s words are true and completely righteous (Ps. 19:9)
  • God’s truth is everlasting (Ps. 117:2)
  • God’s word is truth (John 17:17)
  • God’s words are faithful and true (Rev. 21:5; 22:6)
  • God’s truth can be suppressed to our peril (Rom. 1: 1 8ff)
  • He is “the God of truth” (Ps. 31:5; Isa. 65:16)
  • God doesn’t lie but keeps His word (Num. 23:19)
  • He is full of grace and truth (John 1:14)
  • His Spirit guides believers into all truth (John 16:13)
  • the Holy Spirit is characterized by truth in every way (John 14:17; 15:26; 1 John 5:6)
  • true freedom comes from abiding in God’s truth (John 8:31-32)

Because God is righteous…

I will live by His standards.
“Throw off your old evil nature and your former way of life, which is rotten through and through, full of lust and deception. Instead, there must be a spiritual renewal of your thoughts and attitudes. You must display a new nature because you are a new person, created in God’s likeness—righteous, holy, and true.” (Ephesians 4:22-24)
  • His righteousness is absolute (Ps. 71:19)
  • He rules out of righteousness (Ps. 97:2)
  • He is righteous in everything He does (Ps. 145:17)
  • He delights in demonstrating righteousness (Jer. 9:24)
  • in the end, the righteous Judge will judge righteously (2 Tim. 4:8)
  • people must declare humbly God alone is righteous (Exod. 9:27; 2 Chron. 12:6)
  • the Lord’s name: “The L{sc}ord{xc} is our righteousness” (Jer. 23:6; 33:16)

Because God is just…

He will always treat me fairly.
“For we must all stand before Christ to be judged. We will each receive whatever we deserve for the good or evil we have done in our bodies. ” (2 Corinthians 5:10)
  • a day is fixed for His righteous judgment of the world (Acts 17:31)
  • all sin is ultimately against a righteous God (Ps. 51:4)
  • all God’s ways are righteous and deserve praise (Rev. 15:3)
  • God alone is the judge (James 4:12)
  • God judges all people with justice (Ps. 9:7-8)
  • God’s law and judgments are completely righteous (Ps. 19:7-9)
  • He exercises justice toward all humanity (Gen. 18:25)
  • He is just in all His ways (Dent. 32:4)
  • God rightly judges heart, mind and deeds (Jer. 17:10)
  • Jesus, our righteous defender before the Father (1 John 2:1)
  • the Messiah will judge all with complete justice (Isa. 11:4-5)
  • the righteous Messiah will establish a righteous people (Jer. 33:16)
  • the righteous God justifies those who believe in Jesus (Rom. 3:25-26)

Because God is love…

He is unconditionally committed to my well-being.
“Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean He no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or are hungry or cold or in danger or threatened with death?” “No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from His love, Death can’t, and life can’t. The angels can’t, and the demons can’t. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can not keep God’s love away. Whether we are high above the sky or in the deepest ocean, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:35, 37-39)
  • as a father, God corrects His beloved children (Prov. 3:12)
  • believers should imitate God’s universal love (Matt. 5:44-45)
  • eternal plans are motivated by His love (Eph. 1:4-5)
  • God loves and preserves His godly people (Ps. 37:28)
  • God loves His people, even when they are faithless (Hos. 3:1)
  • God deserves thanks because of His perpetual love (Ps. 100:5)
  • God loved the world enough to send His Son to die (John 3:16)
  • God loves those who love His Son (and obey Him) (John 14:21)
  • His love is poured into believers’ hearts (Rom. 5:5)
  • God is love, and those who know God love others (I John 4:7-8, 20-21)
  • nothing can separate the believer from His love (Rom. 8:38-39)
  • to love enemies and the wicked is to be like God (Luke 6:35)

Because God is merciful…

He forgives me of my sins when I sincerely confess them.
“Have mercy on me, O God, because of Your unfailing love. Because of Your great compassion, blot out the stain of my sins. Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a right spirit within me. Do not banish me from Your presence, and don’t take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me again the joy of Your salvation, and make me willing to obey You.” (Psalm 51) or “If we confess our sins to Him, He Is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong.” (I John 1:9)
  • as a father, God corrects His beloved children (Prov. 3:12)
  • believers should imitate God’s universal love (Matt. 5:44-45)
  • eternal plans are motivated by His love (Eph. 1:4-5)
  • God loves and preserves His godly people (Ps. 37:28)
  • God loves His people, even when they are faithless (Hos. 3:1)
  • God deserves thanks because of His perpetual love (Ps. 100:5)
  • God loved the world enough to send His Son to die (John 3:16)
  • God loves those who love His Son (and obey Him) (John 14:21)
  • His love is poured into believers’ hearts (Rom. 5:5)
  • God is love, and those who know God love others (1 John 4:7-8, 20-21)
  • nothing can separate the believer from His love (Rom. 8:38-39)
  • to love enemies and the wicked is to be like God (Luke 6:35)

Because God is faithful…

I will trust Him to always keep His promises.
“Remember that the temptations that come into your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can’t stand up against it. And when you are tempted, He will show you a way out so that you will not give in to it. ” (1 Corinthians 10:13)
  • forgives the repentant (1 John 1:9)
  • God is faithful to the faithful (Dent. 7:7-11)
  • God deserves thanks for His constant faithfulness (Ps. 100:5)
  • God is faithful through calamity (Lam. 3:22-23)
  • God faithfully matures believers (1 Thess. 5:24)
  • God is faithful to fulfill His promises (Heb. 10:23)
  • His faithfulness endures (Ps. 119:90)
  • His faithfulness is immeasurable (Ps. 36:5)

Because God never changes…

My future is secure and eternal.
“Who has done such mighty deeds, directing the affairs of the human race as each new generation marches by? It is I, the LORD, the First and the Last. ” (Isaiah 41:4)
  • God never changes (Mal. 3:6)
  • God is consistent throughout all time (Heb. 13:8)
  • God is good–all the time (James 1:17)
  • He doesn’t lie and is true to His word (Num. 23:19)
  • His love is never-ending (Lam. 3:22-23)
  • though the universe will change, God never will (Ps. 102:25-27; Heb. 1:10-12)
  • Oneness
    The oneness, or unity of God refers to his being one and only. This means that Christianity is monotheistic, although the doctrine of the Trinity says that God is three persons: FatherSon, and Holy Spirit. The Athanasian Creed says "we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity."
    The most notable biblical affirmation of the unity of God is found in Deuteronomy 6:4. The statement, know as the Shema Yisrael, after its first two words in Hebrew, says "Hear, O Israel: Yahweh our God, Yahweh is one." In the New Testament,Jesus upholds the oneness of God by quoting these words in Mark 12:29. The Apostle Paul also affirms the oneness of God in verses like Ephesians 4:6.[34]
    The oneness of God is also related to his simplicity.
    While the providence of God usually refers to his activity in the world, it also implies his care for the universe, and is thus an attribute.[35] Although the word is not used in the Bible to refer to God, the concept is found in verses such as Acts 17:25, which says that God "gives all men life and breath and everything else" (NIV).
    A distinction is usually made between "general providence," which refers to God's continuous upholding the existence and natural order of the universe, and "special providence," which refers to God's extraordinary intervention in the life of people.[36]
    The righteousness of God may refer to his holiness, to his justice, or to his saving activity. A notable occurrence of the word is in Romans 1:17 - "for in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed" (NIV). Martin Luther grew up believing that this referred to an attribute of God - namely, his distributive justice. Luther's change of mind and subsequent interpretation of the phrase as referring to the righteousness which God imputes to the believer was a major factor in the Protestant Reformation.More recently, however, scholars such as N. T. Wright have argues that the verse refers to an attribute of God after all - this time, his covenant faithfulness.[37]
    The simplicity of God means he is not partly this and partly that, but that whatever he is, he is so entirely. It is thus related to the unity of God. Grudem notes that this is a less common use of the word "simple" - that is, "not composed of parts". Grudem distinguishes between God's "unity of singularity" (in that God is one God) and his "unity of simplicity".[38]
    The sovereignty of God is related to his omnipotenceprovidence, and kingship, yet it also encompasses his freedom. It refers to God being in control and directing all things - nothing can stop God doing what he wants. This attribute has been particularly emphasized in Calvinism. The Calvinist writer A. W. Pink appeals to Isaiah 46:10 ("My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please") and argues, "Subject to none, influenced by none, absolutely independent; God does as He pleases, only as He pleases always as He pleases."[39]
    God's transcendence means that he is outside space and time, and therefore eternal and unable to be changed by forces within the universe.[40] It is thus closely related to God's immutability, and is contrasted with his immanence. A significant verse which balances God's transcendence and his immanence is Isaiah 57:15:
    For this is what the high and exalted One says — he who lives forever, whose name is holy: "I live in a high and holy place, but also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite."
    The Trinity of God refers to him being three in one. God is understood to be a unity of FatherSon, and the Holy Spirit.[41] A famous verse used to support this is the Comma Johanneum in 1 John 5:7, which says "there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one". However, the authenticity of this verse is almost universally rejected. Other support for the doctrine of the trinity comes from the New Testament's trinitarian formulae, such as the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit".
    The veracity of God means his truth-telling. Titus 1:2 refers to "God, who does not lie." Among evangelicals, God's veracity is often regarded as the basis of the doctrine of biblical inerrancyGreg Bahnsen says,
    Only with an inerrant autograph can we avoid attributing error to the God of truth. An error in the original would be attributable to God Himself, because He, in the pages of Scripture, takes responsibility for the very words of the biblical authors. Errors in copies, however, are the sole responsibility of the scribes involved, in which case God’s veracity is not impugned.[42]
    Moses praises the wrath of God in Exodus 15:7. Later in Deuteronomy 9, after the incident of The Golden Calf, Moses describes how: "I feared the furious anger of the LORD, which turned him against you, would drive him to destroy you. But again he listened to me." (9:19). In Psalm 69:24, the psalmist begs God to "consume" his enemies "with your burning anger".
    In the New TestamentJesus says in John 3:36, "Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him."
    Wayne Grudem suggests that "if God loves all that is right and good, and all that conforms to his moral character, then it should not be surprising that he would hate everything that is opposed to his moral character."[43]

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Jesus said to Thomas that HE IS THE LIVING GOD

John 14 ► Peshitta Holy Bible Translated Verse 5 and 6 Thoma said to him, “Our Lord, we do not know where you are going and how can we know ...