According to Muhammad’s own definition of witchcraft, Muhammad was himself guilty of practicing that demonic art. Muhammad defines witchcraft as follows:
Qur’an 113.003 “From the mischievous evil of Darkness as it becomes
intensely dark, and from the mischief of those who practice the evil of malignant witchcraft and blowing on knots, and from the mischievous evil of the envier when he covets.”
And the Hadith records that Muhammad did these very things:
Bukhari:V7B71N643 “I heard the Prophet saying, ‘If anyone sees something he
dislikes, he should blow three times on his left side and its evil will not harm him.’”
Bukhari:V6B61N535“Whenever the Prophet became ill he used to blow his breath over his body
hoping for its blessing.” Bukhari:V6B61N536“When the Prophet went to bed he would cup his
hands together and blow over them reciting surahs. He would then rub his hands over
whatever parts of his body he could reach, starting with his head, face and frontal areas.”
Exactly why Muhammad thinks he will be able to beat evil with what he called evil is beyond me. But I would not deny that Muhammad here confesses that he practices witchcraft since the implicit confession is obvious to all without an obvious bias
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Prayer for Peace and Justice in Tanzania
Our Omnipotent God, in whom the whole Adamic family of earth is one, breathe your Spirit of Truth into our hearts that we may establish a community of fellowship, trust, peace, and justice in Tanzania. Our Holy God, illumine the diabolic darkness of our minds that we may see your Light, comprehend the sanctity of our creation, think your thoughts, and serve your glory by advancing the greater good of all Tanzanians; through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
Holy Spirit, O God, in Jesus Precious Name, reform the passions and designs of our hearts. Let your steady precious hands guide the people of Tanzania, and bring forth out of our discord a concinnity and harmony more perfect than we can envision and conceive –a new love, –a new understanding, a new humility, a new purity and sincerity, a new sense of truth, and a new hunger and thirst for your love to rule the Country.
Dear Precious Lord Jesus, Grant that our President, Elected Leaders, and Political leaders may approach every situation from your point of view, that their noblest thoughts and understanding may be purified, strengthened and covered by the Precious Blood of the Lamb of God. Help us examine ourselves and in others every temper which makes for violence, and all promptings of self-assertion, isolation, and arrogance, that we may understand the aspirations of others within Tanzania, and may gladly do what lies in us to remove every misunderstanding, thus serving the welfare of all people in truth, peace and justice.
Omnipotent Father, in whom is the power of perfect understanding and Wisdom: Heal the Nation of Tanzania, Oh Holy Father, heal the dissensions which divide us, We ask you our Holy Father God to bring us back into that unity of love which is the likeness of your nature; through Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior.
Almighty God, have mercy upon us, and drive away selfishness and evil passions of fear and hatred. Grant that Tanzanian be united in good will and we may dwell together in peace, harmony, charity, love and joy, each in the praise of great achievements, in rivalry of good and beneficent deeds, and sharing in truthful and just dealings with one another; through Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior.
Increase the spirit of neighborliness among Tanzanians, that in peril we may uphold one another, in suffering tend one another, and in loneliness befriend one another. Grant us brave and enduring hearts that we may be strengthened, until the strife of these days be ended and you give peace in our time; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Lord God, let us be at peace within ourselves. (Silence).
Let us accept that we are profoundly loved and need never be afraid. (Silence).
Let us be aware of the source of being that is common to us all and to all living creatures. (Silence).Let us be filled with the presence of your great compassion toward ourselves and toward all living beings. (Silence).
With humility, let us work and pray for the establishment of peace in our hearts and peace in Tanzania. (Silence).
God Bless Tanzania.
I Pray all this in Jesus Name
Max Shimba, A Bond Servant of Jesus Christ
© 2013 Max Shimba Ministries
Friday, June 14, 2013
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Jesus is Allah according to the Koran
This is a very important issue and everybody should know this fact. I studied the Koran and the Hadith and I will discuss this subject according to the Koran and the Holy Bible and we will find the truth that “Jesus is Allah according to the Koran.”
Muslims always love to ask question but sorry to say they don’t want to listen your answer. Muslims always think they are right and you are wrong! (Which is false). Therefore if you don’t have good idea about the Koran and the Holy Bible and any Muslim asks any question to you then I am sure it will strike like a hammer to your faith! One very minor question Muslims always asks, “Where Jesus said He is God?” I am sure so many of you heard this question.
Now I will show the Muslims in a very special way how we can prove them that Jesus said, ‘I am the God’ from their book and our book in the same time.
The God of Islam ‘Allah’ has 99 names. Each name of those are equal to other one. Which means there is no difference between the name of Allah or any of those 99 names. Allah is one of them and He is equal to all those names. No difference but equal. So if Jesus claimed any of those names it means that Jesus is saying to Muslims that ‘He is Muslims God too.’
So I will tell you how many times Jesus said, ‘I am God.’ Which means Jesus is God to Muslims as well. There are so many verses in the Holy Bible but I picked only few verses from the Holy Bible.
I challenge all the Muslims in this Earth NOT to run away from this truth. Now my question to them, ’How can Muslims deny this truth?’
One of the names of God in Islam is AL-HAQ. Which means in Arabic ‘The Truth.’ Did Jesus say in the Holy Bible, “I am the Truth?’ Yes. He said on John 14;9,” I am the way and the truth and the life. No-one comes to the Father except through Me.” The most important for Christians now that Jesus said, “He is the Truth.” Always remember this truth.
Can any Muslim deny that is God’s (Allah) another name is “The Truth” (AL-HAQ)? No. No one can deny this fact. Because this Truth in Islam is ‘Allah’. AL is Arabic word and its English meaning is ‘you talking about whom.’ HAQ means Truth which in English we say ‘I am the Truth’. In Arabic I am the ‘AL-HAQ’. Can any Muslim deny that?
Another name for God of Islam is AL-BAETH. The Resurrection. Did Jesus say in the Gospel, “I am the Resurrection?” Yes. In the Gospel of John 11;25-26 Jesus says, “I am the Resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies; and who-ever lives and believes in Me will never die.” When Muslims God ‘Allah’ is called ‘AL-BEATH’ which means resurrection, then it is clearly proven to all of us that Jesus Himself is Allah as Jesus says, “I am the Resurrection.” In Arabic “ I am the ‘AL-BEATH.’ There are not a single Muslim in this Earth can deny that. If any Muslim denies this truth then he/she denies/reject ‘Allah’ as well because they deny the 99 names of Allah.
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