Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Kujichua – je, ni dhambi kulengana na Biblia?

Biblia haitaji kujichua wala kwamba kujichua ni dhambi. Hakuna swali juu ya kuwa kitendo kinachoelekeza mtu katika kujichua ni dhambi pia. Kujichua ni kitendo cha mwisho katika kuwasilisha ujumbe wa tamaa mbaya, inayotokana na msisimko wa hisia za ngono ama kutazama kanda za video za ngono. Haya ndiyo matatizo ambayo ni tuyatatue. Ikiwa dhambi ya tamaa na kuangalia picha za ngono itaachwa na kushindwa –shida ya kujichua itaisha.

Biblia inatuagiza kuepuka hata hali ya kutazama matendo machafu ya ngono (waefeso 5:3). Sioni kuwa kujichua kutashinda mtihani huu. Mara nyingi kitu ambacho unaaibika nacho huwa ni dhambi. Na hata hivyo kwa kuwa hatuwezi kumuomba Mungu akibariki kitendo cha kujichua ili akitumie kwa wema wa jina lake inaonyesha wazi kwamba ni dhambi. Hatuwezi kujisikia tumshukuru Mungu kwa kutuwezesha kufanya kitendo hicho cha kujichua.

Biblia inatufundisha, “kwa hivyo mkila au mkinywa chochote mkifanyacho, kifanyeni kwa utukufu wa Mungu” (wakorintho wa kwanza 10:31). Kama hakuna uhakika wa kumpendeza Mungu basi heri kukiacha kitendo hicho. Kitendo cha kujichua ni cha kuonewa shaka. “kwa kuwa chochote ambacho si cha imani ni dhambi” (warumi 14:23). Lazima tujue ya kwamba miili yetu pamoja na roho zetu zimekombolewa na ni za Mungu. “Nini? Hamjui ya kuwa miili yenu ni hekalu la Roho Mtakatifu akaaye ndani yenu kwa ajili ya Mungu na ninyi si mali yenu wenyewe? Kwa kuwa mmenunuliwa kwa thamani; kwa hivyo mtukuzeni Mungu kwa miili yenu na katika roho zenu ambavyo vyote ni vya Mungu” (wakorintho wa kwanza 6:19 -20). Ukweli huu lazima uwe na mizizi ndani ya maisha yetu kokote tuendako na chochote tufanyacho. Kwa sababu ya haya yote ninasema kujichua ni dhambi kwa mujibu wa Biblia. Siamini kujichua kunaweza kumpendeza Mungu, kwa kuwa kunaepuka mipaka ya heshima na sheria ya Mungu juu ya miili yetu.

Biblia inasema je ju ya chale/ kujitoboa mwili?

Agano la kale liliwaamuru waIsraeli, “Msiikate miili yenu kwa ajili ya wafu wala kuchanja chale juu ya ngozi za miili yenu.Mimi ni Bwana” (mambo ya walawi 19:28). Hata hivyo ijapokuwa waumini kwa sasa hawako chini ya sheria ya agano la kale (warumi 10:4; wagalatia 3:23 – 25; waefeso 2:15), hoja ya kuwa kulikuwa na sheria juu ya chale lazima lituletee maswaliagano jipya haisemi lolote juu ya muumini achanjwe chale au asichanjwe.

Kulengana na swala la chale na kujikata alama mwilini, mtazamo wetu ni uwe; je, twaweza kumuomba Mungu atumie alama hizo kwa utukufu wake? “kwa hivyo mnapokula, mnapokunywa, chochote mfanyacho, kifanyeni kwa utukufu wa Mungu” (wakorintho wa kwanza 10:31). Biblia haituamuru kinyume cha chale na alama za mwili lakini pia haituonyeshi ya kuwa ana haja na alama hizo miilini mwetu.

Jambo lengine ni nidhamu. Biblia inatushauri kuvaa mavazi yetu kwa nidhamu (Timotheo wa kwanza 2:9). Kuvaa ki nidhamu ni kuziba sehemu zote zilizotarajiwa kuzibwa na mavazi. Lengo la nidhamu hii ya ki mavazi si juu ya wewe mwenyewe bali kwa ajili ya wengine wasije wakanaswa na hali yakuvutiwa nawe kiasi cha kukutamani. Chale pia zinaushawishi Fulani kwa hivyo zinakeuka mipaka ya nidhamu hii.

Kanuni muhimu ya kibiblia ni kutazama jambo kwa mfumo wa imani. Kama hulionei shaka moyoni juu yakuwa linampendeza Mungu basi lifanye. “kwa kuwa lolote ambalo, si la imani ni dhambi” (warumi 14:23). Tunapaswa kufahamu kuwa miili yetu na nafsi zetu pia zimekombolewa na ni mali ya Mungu. Ijapokuwa haelekei moja kwa moja juu ya chale na alama za miili, wakorintho wa kwanza 6:19 -20 inatupatia kanuni moja, “Nini? Hamjui ya kuwa miili yenu ni hekalu la Roho Mtakatifu, akaaye ndani yenu, ambaye mnaye kutoka kwa Mungu na ninyi si mali yenu wenyewe. Mmenunuliwa kwa thamani kwa hivyo mtukuzeni Mungu katika miili yenu na katika roho zenu ambvyo ni vya Mungu.” Miili yetu sharti iandamane na ukweli kokote tuendako. Kama miili yetu ni mali ya Mungu basi lazima tuwe na ruhusa yake kabla hatujajichanja chale hizo au alama hizo za mwili.

Mkristo ni mtu gani?

Kwa tafsiri kutoka kamusi ya Webster Mkristo ni “mtu mwenye kukiri imani ndani ya Yesu kama Kristo au Imani yenye msingi wa mafundisho na ufunuo wa Yesu.” Ijapokuwa huu ni mwanzo mwema wa kufahamu Mkristo ni mtu gani, kama maelezo mengi ya kidunia yalivyo, inapungukiwa na uhalisi wa kibiblia juu ya Maana kamili ya Ukristo au Mkristo. 

Neno Mkristo limetumika mara tatu katika agano jipya (Matendo 11:26; Matendo 26:28; Petero Wa Kwanza 4:16). Wafuasi wa Yesu Kristo waliitwa kwa mara ya kwanza “Wakristo” antiokia (Matendo 11:26) kwa sababu tabia zao, matendo yao na hotuba zao zilikuwa kama za Kristo. Ilitumika kiasili na watu wasiookoka wa Antiokia kama jina la kimajazi kuwadhihaki wakristo hao. Ina maana sawa na “Kuwa mmoja wa kundi la kristo” au “mfuasi wa Kristo,” ambayo imefanana na tafsiri ya Neno hili katika kamusi ya Webster.

Kwa bahati mbaya, neno Mkristo limepoteza kwa kiwango kikubwa usawa wa matumizi yake na Linatumika mara kwa mara kumaanisha tu mtu mwenye dini au pengine muadilifu kinyume cha Mfuasi halisi wa Yesu Kristo aliyezaliwa mara ya pili. Watu wengi wasioamini na kuwa na tumaini ndani ya Yesu Kristo hujichukulia tu kuwa ni wakristo kwa sababu wanahudhuria ibada za Kanisa ama wanaishi katika taifa la kikristo. Lakini, kuenda kanisani, kuwahudumia wale wasiobahatika maishani au kuwa mtu mzuri haviwezi kukufanya kuwa mkristo. Kama Muinjilisti mmoja alivyosema, “kuenda Kanisani hakufanyi mtu kuwa Mkristo sawa na mtu kuenda gereji hakumfanyi kuwa gari.” Kuwa mshirika wa kanisa anayehudhuria ibada kila mara na kutoa kwa ajili ya kazi za kanisa hakuwezi kukufanya wewe kuwa Mkristo.

Je ni nini kitawapata watu wale hawajawai pata nafasi ya kusikia kuhusu Yesu?

Je ni nini kitawapata watu wale hawajawai pata nafasi ya kusikia kuhusu Yesu? Je Mungu atawahukumu wale ambao hajawai sikia kuhusu Yesu?"

Jibu: Watu wote wamewajibika kwa Mungu hata kama wamesikia au hawaja “sikia kumhusu” Bibilia yatwambia wazi wazi kuwa Mungu anajidhihirisha mwenyewe kwa uungu (Warumi 1:20) na katika Roho za watu (Mhubiri 3:11). Shida ni kwamba ni uzao wa dhambi wa mwanadamu. Zote twakataa hii hekima ya Mungu na kuasi (Warumi 1:21-23). Kama isingekuwa ni neema ya Mungu, tungejitolea kwa mioyo ya dhambi, kujiruhusu kujigundulia vile maisha ni bure, yakustaajabisha ni sehemu kando naye Mungu. Anafanya haya kwa wale wanaoendelea kumkataa (Warumi 1:24-32).

Ukweli ni, si eti watu wengine hawajasikia juu ya Mungu. Badala, shida ni wamaekataa chenye wamesikia na chenye kinaonekana katika uumbaji. Kumbukumbu La Torati 4:29 yasema, “Lakini huko, kama mkimtatufa BWANA, Mungu wako, utampata, ukimtafuta kwa moyo wako wote, na roho yako yote.” Aya hii yatufunza nguzo muimu. Kila mmoja anayemtafuta Mungu atampta. Kama mtu amenuia kumjua Mungu, Mungu atajudhihirisha kwake.

Shida pekee, “Hakuna afahamuye; Hakuna amtafutaye Mungu” (Warumi 3:11). Watu wanakataa hekima ya Mungu ambayo ipo katika uumbaji na katika mioyo yao, na badala wanaanza kuabudu “miungu” yao wenyewe wamejitengenezea. Ni ubumpavu kubishana juu ya haki/uungwana wa Mungu kumtuma mtu jahanamu mwenye hakuwa na nafasi ya kuisikia injili ya Kristo. Watu watawajibika kwa Mungu kwa yale yote Mungu ameyafunua kwao. Bibilia inasema watu wanakataa hekima na kwa hivyo Mungu ako haki anapowahukkumu kwenda jahanamu.

Mpango Wa Wokovu ni nini?

Una njaa? Si njaa ya chakula, lakini je, una njaa ya kitu Fulani zaidi maishani? Je, kuna hali Fulani ya kutotosheka ndani yako? Ikiwa iko basi Yesu ndiye njia! Yesu alisema, “Mimi ndimi mkate wa kweli. Kila ajaye kwangu hatahisi njaa na aniaminiye hataona kiu” (Yohana 6:35).

Je, umechanganyikiwa? Je, huoni mbele ya maishani mwako? Je, unajihisi kama umeachwa kwenye giza na huoni pa kutokea? Ikiwa hali yako ni kama hiyo basi Yesu ndiye njia! Yesu alisema, “Mimi ndimi nuru ya ulimwengu. Anifuataye hatatembea gizani, bali atakuwa na nuru ya uzima” (Yohana 8:12).

Je, unajisikia kama umefungiwa nje ya maisha yako? Je, umejaribu njia nyingi na kutambua ya kwamba kile ulichokitarajia hakipo ndani yake? Je, unatafuta njia ya kufikia maisha makamilifu? Ikiwa haya ndiyo uyatafutayo, Yesu ndiye njia! Yesu alisema, “Mimi ndimi mlango wa kondoo; aingiaye kupitia mimi ataokolewa. Ataingia na kutoka na kupata malisho” (Yohana 10:9).

Je, watu wengine husababisha kushindwa kwako? Je, uhusiano wako nao umekuwa si wa kina na bila muelekeo? Je, ni kama watu wanakutumia tu kwa manufaa yao? Ikiwa ndiyo hali unayopitia Yesu ndiye njia! Yesu alisema, “Mimi ndimi mchungaji mwema. Mchungaji mwema hutoa uhai wake kwa ajili ya kondoo……. Mimi ndimi mchungaji mwema; Ninajua kondoo wangu na kondoo wangu wananijua” (Yohana 10: 11,14).

Je, unashangazwa na kinachotendeka baada ya maisha haya? Je, umechoshwa na maisha ya kupigania tu vitu vinavyooza na kushika kutu? Je, wakati mwingine maana ya maisha yako huionea shaka? Je, unataka kuishi hata baadaya kufa? Ikiwa haya ndiyo uliyonayo basi Yesu ndiye njia! Yesu alisema, “Mimi ndimi huo ufufuo na uzima. Aniaminiye ataishi, hata ajapokufa; na aishiye na kuniamini hata kufa kamwe” (Yohana11:25-26).

Njia ni nini? Ukweli ni nini? Uzima ni nini? Yesu akajibu, “Mimi ndimi njia kweli na uzima.Hakuna afikaye kwa baba bila kupitia kwangu” (Yohana 14:6). 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Je, Biblia inasema nini juu ya Ushoga? Je, Ushoga ni dhambi?

Biblia inasisitiza kila mara kwamba ushoga ni dhambi (mwanzo 19:1-13; mambo ya walawi 18: 22; warumi 1:26-27; wakorintho wa kwanza 6:9). Warumi 1:26-27 inatufundisha ya kwamba ushoga ni njia mojawapo ya kumkana na kutomtii Mungu. Mtu anapodumu katika dhambi na kutokuamini biblia inatuambia ya kwamba “Mungu huwaachilia” kutenda maovu zaidi ili wapate kujua ubatili wa maisha bila Uwepo wa Mungu. Wakorintho wa kwanza 6:9 inasema kuwa mashoga hawataurithi ufalme wa Mungu.

Mungu haumbi mwanadamu mwenye tamaa ya ushoga. Biblia inatuambia mtu huwa shoga kwa sababu ya dhambi. (warumi 1:24-27), na pia kwa sababu ya uamuzi wake mwenyewe. Mtu anaweza kuzaliwa na msukumo juu ya ushoga kama vile watu pia huzaliwa na msukumo juu ya fujo na dhambi nyinginezo. Hili halihalalishi dhambi yoyote inayofanywa na wanadamu. Je, mtu akizaliwa na msukumo wa hasira mbaya, ni halali aendeleze hasira zake mbaya? La, hasha. Hata kwa ushoga pia si halali.

Hata hivyo Biblia haiitaji dhambi ya ushoga kuwa ndiyo kubwa zaidi. Kila dhambi ni chukizo kwa Mungu. Ushoga ni mojawapo ya mambo yaliyoorodheshwa katika wakorintho wa kwanza 6:9-10 yatakayozuia mtu asiingie katika ufalme wa Mungu. Kulingana na Biblia msamaha wa Mungu juu ya shoga upo sawa na wa mzinzi, muabudu sanamu, muuaji, mwizi na kadhalika. Mungu tena aahidi uwezo juu ya kushinda dhambi, pamoja na ushoga, kwa wale wote watakao mwaminiYesu kristo kwa wokovu wao (wakorintho wa kwanza 6:11; wakorintho wa pili 5:17).

Biblia inasema nini juu ya kushirikiana katika ngono kabla kuoana?

Pamoja na matendo mengine ya uchafu, kufanya kitendo cha mapenzi kabla kuoana kumekatazwa katika maandiko (matendo 15:20; warumi 1:29; wakorintho wa kwanza 5:1; 6:13, 7:2; 10;8; wakorintho wa pili 12:21; wagalatia 5:19; waefeso 5:3; wakolosai 3:5; wathesalonike 4:3; yuda7). Biblia inasisitiza kuepuka kitendo hicho kabla ya ndoa.hii ina maana ya kuwa ni dhambi kama ya uzinifu kwa kuwa hujaunganishwa na unayefanya naye kitendo hicho. Mapenzi baina ya mume na mke waliooana ndiyo mapenzi yanayokubalika mbele za Mungu (waebrania 13:4).

Kushirikiana katika ngono kabla ndoa kumeenea sana kwa sababu nyingi. Mapenzi yanastarehesha. Mungu aliyaumba hivyo. Anawataka wanaume na wanawake wafurahie kitendo cha ngono (ndani ya ndoa). Hata hivyo, lengo la msingi la ngono si starehe bali kuzaana tukaongezeke. Hivyo tunazuiwa kufanya kitendo cha ngono kabla ndoa ili tusijipatie watoto tusiowatarajia. Kama jambo hili lingezingatiwa, magonjwa ya zinaa na wamama wasioolewa na kuavya mimba na kadhalika kungepungua. Kujizuia kunaokoa maisha, kunalinda watoto wachanga na kuleta ladha halisi ya ngono pamoja na heshima kwa Mungu.

Biblia inasema nini juu ya kunywa kileo? Je, ni dhambi kwa mkristo kunywa kileo?

Maandiko yana ilani nyingi juu ya kunywa kileo (mambo ya walawi 10:9; hesabu6:3; kumbukumbu la torati 29:6; waamuzi 13:4,7,14; samueli wa kwanza 1:15; methali 20:1; 31:4,6; isaya 5:11;22; 24:9; 28:7; 29:9; 56:12; mika 2:11; luka 1:15). Maandiko hayakatazi mkristo kunywa pombe, divai wala kinywaji chochote chenye kileo ndani. Maana maandiko mengine huzungumzia kileo kwa kuhalalisha matumizi yake. Mhubiri 9:7 inaamuru, “ kunywa kileo na moyo mkunjufu.” Zaburi 104:14-15 inaeleza Mungu hutoa divai “ inayofurahisha mioyo ya wanadamu.” Amosi 9:14 inazungumzia juu ya kunywa divai kutoka kwa shamba lako kama alama ya baraka za Mungu. Isaya 55;11 inapongeza “ naam, njoo ununue divai na maziwa…”

Kile Mungu anachowaamuru wakristo juu ya kileo ni wajizuie na ulevi (waefeso 5:18). Biblia inakataza ulevi na athari zake (methali 23:29-35). Wakristo wanakatazwa kuachilia miili yao itawalwe na vitu vinginevyo. (wakorintho wa kwanza 6:12; petro wa pili 2:19). Kunywa kileo kingi kunaathiri mtu. Maandiko yanakataza chochote kile ambacho kwa kukifanya unasababisha wengine kujikwaa( wakorintho wa kwanza 8:9-13). Kwa mujibu wa haya ni vigumu mkristo kukiri kuwa anakunywa kileo kwa utukufu wa Mungu ( wakorintho wa kwanza 10;31). 

Yesu aligeuza maji kuwa Divai. Huenda ikawa Yesu alikuwa akinywa divai katika karamu Fulani Fulani (Yohana 2:1-11; Mathayo 26: 29). Katika nyakati za agano jipya, maji yalikuwa yakijawa na vidudu na uchafu kama hali ilivyo sasa katika mataifamengine ya ulimwengu wa tatu. Hii ndiyo sababu watu walipendelea kunywa divai kutoka kwa zabibu ili kuepukana na taka taka hizi. Katika timotheo wa kwanza 5:23, Paulo alimkataza timotheo kunywa maji yaliyokuwa yakimtatiza tumbo lake na mahali pake anywe divai. Divai ilikuwa na asili ya kileo ndani lakini haikuwa na kiwango cha kilevi sawa na cha leo. Haikuwa maji ya mzabibu moja kwa moja wala kileo sawa na cha leo. Maandiko hayakatazi mkristo kunywa kileo cha aina yoyote bali yanakataza ulevi na utumwa wa kileo (waefeso 5:18; wakorintho wa kwanza 6:12).

Kileo, kinapotumiwa kwa uchache hakina athari kwa mwenye kukitumia. Kutumia kiasi kichache cha kileo ni jambo linaloruhusiwa mkristo. Ulevi na utumwa wa kunywa kileo ni dhambi. Kwa sababu ya kushindwa kujizuia katika viwango vya matumizi ya kileo, kukwaza wengine na hata kupatikana na hatia mbali mbali, ni vizuri mkristo aepukane kabisa na matumizi ya kileo cha aina yoyote.

Je! Mkristo anaweza pagagwa na Mapepo?

Bibilia kwa ukamilifu haitaji kama Mkristo anaweza shikwa na pepo. Ingagwa, kwa vile Mkristo amejazwa na Roho Mtakatifu (Warumi 8:9-11; 1 Wakorintho 3:16; 6:19), inaweza ooneka kinyume kwamba Roho Mtakatifu anaweza kumuruhus pepo kushika mtu ambaye Roho Mtakatifu anakaa ndani yake. Hii mara nyingine ni jambo la kutatanisha; ingawa, tunaamini sana kuwa Mkristo hawezi shikwa na pepo. Tunaamini kuwa kuna tofauti kubwa kati ya kushikwa na pepo na kukandamizwa na pepo au kushawishika na pepo. Kupagagwa na pepo yahuzisha,pepo kuwa na uhusika wa Karibu au kuongoza mawazo yako/mafikirio yako/matendo ya mtu (Luka 4:33-35; 8:27-33; Mathayo 17:14-18). Kukandamizwa na pepo au kushawishiwa na pepo inahuzisha pepo kumkabili mtu kiroho na kumtia moyo kwa matendo ya dhambi (1 Petero 5:8-0; Yakobo 4:7). Tambua kwamba kurasa zote za Agano Jipya zashugulikia vita vya kiroho, kamwe hatwambiwi kutoa pepo kutoka kwa mkristo (Waefeso 6:10-18). Wakristo wameambiwa kumtoroka shetani (1 Petero 5:8-9; Yakobo 4:7), si kutoa mapepo.

Ni jambo lisilofikirika kuwa Mungu anaweza kumruhus mwanawe, ambaye alimununua kwa dhamani, kwa damu ya Yesu Kristo (1 Petero 1:18-19), na kufanywa viumbe vipya (2 Wakorintho 5:17), kupagagwa na kutawaliwa na mapepo. Naam, mkristo twafanya vita na shetani na mapepo yake, lakini si kutoka ndani yetu. Mtume Yohana anasema, “Ninyi, watoto wadogo, mwatokana na Mtungu; ninyi mmewashinda, kwa sababu yeye aliye ndani yenu ni mkuu kuliko aliye katika dunia” (1 Yohana 4:4). Ni nani aliye ndani yetu? Roho Mtakatifu. Ni nani aliye katika dunia? Ni shetani na mapepo yake. Kwa hivyo, mkristo ameushinda ulimwengu wa mapepo, na hali ya kupagagwa na pepo halitafanywa kuwa la kibilia.

Ubatizo wa Rohoho Mtakatifu ni nini?

Ubatizo wa Roho mtakatifu unaweza kufafanuliwa/kuelezwa kuwa ile kazi ambayo Roho Mtakatifu wa Mungu unamweka muumini kuwa na ushirika na Kristo na kwa ushirika na waumini wengine katika mwili wa Kristo wakati wa kuokolewa. Wakorintho wa kwanza 12:12-13 ni ukurasa wa katikati katika Bibilia kuhusu ubatizo wa Roho Mtakatifu, “Kwa maana katika Roho mmoja sisi sote tulibatizwa kuwa mwili mmoja, kwamba tu Wayahudi, au kwamba tu Wayunani; ikiwa tu watumwa au tu huru; nasi sote tulinyweshwa Roho mmoja.” (1Wakorintho 12:13). Bali Warumi 6:1-4 haitaji roho wa Mungu, bali yaelezea sehemu ya wakristo mbele za Mungu kwa lugha sawa na ile ya ujumbe wa kwanza Wakorintho: “Tusema nini basi? Tudumu kaitka dhambi ili neema izidi kuwa nyingi? Hasha! Sisi tulioifia dhambi tutaishije tena katika dhambi? Hamfahamu ya kuwa sisi sote tuliobatizwa katika Kristo Yesu tulibatizwa katika mauti yake? Basi tulizikwa pamoja kwa njia ya ubatizo katika mauti yake, kusudi kama Kristo alivyofufuka katika wafu kwa njia ya utukufu wa Baba, vivyo hivyo na sisi tuenende katika upya wa uzima.”

Hoja zifuatazo zatosha kudumisha uelefu wetu juu ya ubatizo wa Roho Mtakatifu. Kwanza, 1Wakorintho 12:13 yataja wazi kwamba wale wote waliobatizwa wananyweshwa Roho mmoja (kuwepo kwa Roho mtakatifu). Pili, hamna mahali katika Bibilia Wakristo wameelezwa wabatizwe, ndani ya, au kwa Roho au kwa vyovyote vile watafute ubatizo wa Roho Mtakatifu. Hii yaonyesha kuwa Wakrisot walikuwa na uzoevu. Tatu, Waefeso 4:5 yaonekana kuashiria ubatizo wa Roho. Kama hii ndio hali, ubatizo wa Roho Mtakatifu ni kitu cha kweli kwa kila Mkristo, kama vile “Imani mija” na “Baba mmoja” viko.

Kwa kumalizia, ubatizo wa Roho Mtakatifu wafanya mambo mawili, 1) Watuunganisha na mwili wa Kristo, na 2) Waambatanisha kusulubiwa kwetu na Yesu. Kuwa na mwili wake, yamaanisha, tumefufuliwa naye kwa upya wa uzima (Warumi 6:4). Kwa hivyo lazima tuviweka katika matendo vipawa vyetu vya Roho ili tuuweke mwili wa Kristo kuendelea kufanya kazi kulingana na 1Wakorintho 12:13. Kushuhudia ubatizo wa roho mmoja huwa mzingi wa kuwa na umoja wa Kanisa, kulingana na mkudhatha wa Waefeso 4:5. Kuwa na ushirika wa karibu na Kristo katika mauti yake, kuzikwa kwake na ufufuo wake kupitia kwa ubatizo wa Roho waweka mzingi wa kutenganishwa na nguvu za dhambi na kutembea katika maisha mapya. (Warumi 6:1-10; Wakolosai 2:12).

Nawezaje kujazwa na Roho Mtakatifu?

Kifungu cha maana katika kuelewa juu ya kujazwa na Roho Mtakatifu in Yohana 14:16, mahali ampapo Yesu anaahidi kukaa kwa Roho Mtakatifu kwa wakristo, na huyo atadumu si kwa muda. Ni kitu cha maana kutofautisha kati ya kukaa kwa Roho Mtakatifu na kujazwa na Roho Mtakatifu. Kudumu kwa Roho Mtakatifu aupo kwa baadhi ya wakristo, bali ni kwa Wakristo wote. Kuna sehemu nyingi katika Bibilia zinazo pongeza huu msimamo wetu. Kwanza, Roho Mtakatifu ni zawadi iliyopewa Wakristo wote katika Kristo Yesu bila kupagua, na hakuna sheria za kutimiza ila tu ni kuwa na imani katika Kristo Yesu (Yohona 7:37-39). Pili, Roho Mtakatifu unapokewa wakati wa kuokoka (Waefeso 1:13). Wagalatia 3:2 inasisitiza ukweli huu pia, kwa kusema kwamba kutiwa muhuri na kujazwa na Roho Mtakatifu ulitokea wakati wa kuokoka. Tatu, Roho Mtakatifu unakaa kwa Wakristo milele. Wakristo wamepewa Roho Mtakatifu kama mtaji ama tibitisho la utukufu wao katika siku zijazo katika Kristo (2 Wakorintho 1:22; Waefeso 4:30).

Hili ni linganisho la kujazwa kwa Roho Mtakatifu ambao Waefeso 5:18 yazungumzia. Kikamilifu ni lazima tuzame katika Roho Mtakatifu ili atumiliki na katika hali hiyo atujaze. Warumi 8:9 na Waefeso 1:13-14 za sema kwamba anakaa kwa kila Mkristo, lakini anaweza kuhusunishwa (4:30), na kazi yake ndani yetu unaweza poa (1Wathesalonike 5:19). Wakati tunaruhusu haya kutokea hatuwezi kuhisi kikamilifu Roho Mtakatifu ukifanya kazi na nguvu zake ndani yetu. Kujazwa na Roho Mtakatifu haimaanishi tendo la nche pekee; pia yamaanisha tendo la kimawazo ambalo latutia moyo kwa kila tendo tutendalo. Zaburi 19:14 yasema, “Maneno ya kinywa changu, Na mawazo ya moyo wangu, Yapate kibali mbele zako, Ee BWANA, Mwamba wangu, na mwokozi wnagu.”

Dhambi ndiyo huzuia kujazwa kwa Roho Mtakatifu, na kumtii Mungu ndio njia pekee Roho anaweza kutunzwa. Waefeso 5:18 yatwaamuru kwamba tujazwe na Roho Mtakatifu; bali si kwa kuomba ili tujazwe na Roho Mtakatifu ambayo itawezesha kukamilisha kujazwa kwa Roho. Ni utiifu wetu wa sheria za Mungu wawezesha Roho kufanya kazi kwa huru ndani yetu. Kwa sababu tumeadhirika kwa dhambi, ni vigumu kujazwa na Roho wakati wote. Wakati twatenda dhambi ni lazima tutubu papo hapo kwa Mungu na tufanye upya mkataba wa kujazwa na Roho and kuongozwa na Roho Mtakatifu.

Yamaaninisha nini kumkufuru Roho Mtakatifu?

Wazo la “kumkufuru Roho” limetajwa katika Mariko 3:22-30 na katika Mathayo 12:22-32. neno kufuru linaweza kuelezwa kwa ujumla kama, “tabia iliyo kando”. Hilo neno laweza kutumika kwa dhambi kama zile za kumlaani Mungu au kwa makusudi ya kutotambua mambo yanohusiana na Mungu. Pia ni kumhuzisha Mungu na dhambi, ama kukana yale mazuri tunayostahili kumhusisha nayo. Hii hatia ya kukufuru ingawa ni pekee inaitwa “kukufuru Roho Mtakatifu” katika Mathayo 12:31. katika Mathayo 12:1-32, Wafarisayo baada ya kushuhudia matendo makuu yasiyopingika ya Yesu alikuwa akitenda miujiza kwa nguvu za Roho Mtakatifu, na wakadai kuwa alikuwa amepagagwa na pepo “Beelzebuli” (Mathayo 12:24) unaweza gundua kwamba katika Mariko 3:30 Yesu analengo kuhusu kwa kile ambacho hawakukifanya “kumkufuru Roho Mtakatifu.

Huku kukufuru na kuhusu na mtu kumtusi Yesu Kristo kuwa amepagagwa na mapepo badala ya kujazwa na Roho Mtakatifu. Kwa sababu hiyo kwa matukio haya ya kukufuru Roho Mtakatifu hauwezi kuongezeka hii leo. Yesu Kristo hayumo duniani leo hii, bali ameketi katika mkono wa kulia wa Mungu. Hamna mtu atakaye shuhudia Yesu Kristo akitenda miujiza na kudai kwamba nguvu hizo ni za Shetani badala ya Roho Mtakatifu. Mfano wa karibu sana leo hii utakuwa ule wa mtu akikombolewa na kubadilisha maisha yake kwa nguvu za Shetani na badala ya kujazwa na Roho Mtakatifu. Kukufuru Roho Mtakatifu leo hii, ambayo ni sawa na dhambi isiyo samehewa ni hali ya kuendelea kutokua na imani. Hakuna msamaha kwa mtu yule akufaye bila imani. Kuendelea kukataa Roho Mtakatifu ambao watusukuma kuwa na imani katika Yeus Kristo ni kufuru isiyosamehewa. Kumbuka chenye kimesemwa katika Yohana 3:16 “Kwa maana jinsi hii Mungu aliupenda ulimwengu, hata akamtoa Mwanawe pekee, ili kila mtu amwaminiye asipotee, bali awe na uzima wa milele” mbele yake kuna aya ingine, “Amwaminiye Mwana yuna uzima wa milele; asiyemwamini Mwana hataona uzima, bali ghadhabu ya Mungu inamkalia” (Yohana 3:36). Hali pekee ambayo mtu hawezi kuwa na msamaha ni ikiwa ako kati ya wale, “yeyote atakaye mwamini” kwa maana ni yule amemkataa Mwana.”

Roho Mtakatifu ni nani?

Kuna utatanishi mwingi juu ya kumtambua Roho Mtakatifu. Wengine humchukulia kama nguvu Fulani zisizoonekana. Wengine huamini kwamba ni uwezo wa Mungu ambao Mungu huuachilia maishani mwa wale ambao ni waumini wa kristo. Je, biblia inasemaje juu ya Roho Mtakatifu? Kwa kifupi biblia inasema kwamba Roho mtakatifu ni Mungu. Pia biblia inasema kuwa Roho mtakatifu ni mtu, mwenye akili, hisia na mapenzi yake.

Swala la kuwa Roho Mtakatifu ni Mungu limo ndani ya aya nyingi za biblia kama vile Matendo 5:3-4. Katika ayah ii petro anapambana na anania aliyemdanganya Roho Mtakatifu na nasisitiza yakuwa “hukumdanya mtu bali Mungu.” Hili ni tangazo la wazi kwamba kumdanganya Roho Mtakatifu ni kumdanganya Mungu. Tunaweza pia kujua Roho Mtakatifu ni Mungu kwa kuwa ana tajwa na hali sawa na za Mungu. Roho Mtakatifu yuko kila mahali katika Zaburi 139:7-8, “nitaenda wapi nijifiche na Roho? ama nitakimbilia wapi mbali na uwepo wako? Nikipanda juu mbinguni, huko uko; nikifanya malazi yangu kuzimu, tazama uko huko,” tena katika wakorintho wa Kwanza 2:10 tunaona hali yakuwepo kila mahali kwa Roho Mtakatifu “Lakini Mungu ameyajulisha kwetu kupitia Roho wake Mtakatifu. Kwa kuwa Roho huyachunguza mambo yote, naam, mambo ya siri ya Mungu. Kwa maana ni nani ayajuaye ya mwanadamu isipokuwa roho ya mwanadamu inayokaa ndani yake? Vivyo hivyo, hakuna ajuaye mambo ya Mungu isipokuwa Roho wa Mungu.”

Tunaweza kujua kweli kwamba Roho Mtakatifu ni Mungu kwa kuwa ana akili, hisia na mapenzi yake. Roho Mtakatifu hufikiri na hujua (Wakorintho wa kwanza 2:10). Roho mtakatifu anaweza kuugua (Waefeso 4:30). Roho hutuombea (Warumi 8:26-27). Roho Mtakatifu hufanya maamuzi kutokana na mapenzi yake mwenyewe (Wakorintho wa kwanza 12:7-11). Roho mtakatifu ni Mungu, sehemu ya tatu ya utatu wa Mungu. Kama Mungu, Roho Mtakatifu anaweza kufanya kazi ya msaidizi na mshauri kama vile Yesu kristo aliyevyoahidi kuwa atakuja kufanya (Yohana 14:16,26; 15:26).

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Back to Basics: Dealing with demonic dreams

While I totally understand the despair, I would like to offer an alternative response: embrace these dreams as the gifts they are.
This may seem crazy—but let me tell you a story I just heard which may give you a new perspective.
The story  (heard on a Plumbline Ministries video)  goes something like this: a man and his son were driving together. The son looked up and was disturbed to see a number of vultures circling in the sky. “There must be a dead animal somewhere,” he sadly exclaimed. His father wisely pointed out that if the animal were, in fact, dead, then the vultures would have landed. Then the dad asked the child what he thought they could do if they were going to help the wounded animal. The son pondered this, then said, “Well, I guess we wouldn’t want to kill the vultures—because they are our marker for where the wounded animal is.”
The demonic is the marker for the wounding.
So let me give you a strategy for leveraging demonic harassment in your dreams to greater healing and spiritual dominion.
(1)   Choose to put things in proper perspective. If dark spiritual influences could kill you- believe me–you would already be dead! If the worst thing they  can do is give you a bad dream—yes, it is annoying, but seriously, it is just a bad dream!  Don’t put too much weight on it—instead leverage it for change.
(2)   “Dream forward!” (leverage the dream). This requires an action plan. Here are some suggestions—
  • Interpret the dream- in general, what is the main essence of the dream? (i.e. let’s say that a witch is stabbing you in you on the couch in your livingroom, and you tell her to leave in the name of Jesus, but she doesn’t . The essence of this dream is that witchcraft – perhaps word curses are preventing you from finding rest/peace in your day to day life and that you do not have the authority to deal with it at this time.
  • Look for clues as to the arena—is this occurring at work, home, spiritual community, in your friendships? Drilling down to the specifics is essential to putting this all to an end!
  • Note the feelings in the dream- (likely the big 6–fear, anger, shame, disgust, sadness and hopeless) These feelings are the manifestation of the wounding, sin , or generational issues – and succumbing to them often throws the door wide open to further harassment.
  • Pay particular attention to “proclamations” made in the dream—by yourself or others. These can give you strategies for dealing with the situation/issues opening you up to such dreams.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Bible Verses about Honoring Parents

The New Testament binds a great responsibility on children when it says in Ephesians 6, verses 1-3, "Children obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honor thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth". The key words are "honor" and "obey". There is no time limit on this. God does not free a child from this responsibility simply because he has now gone to college or is married. A child in the earliest years of adulthood makes a tragic mistake by neglecting his parents.

It is necessary that we say something about the word "obey". Children are to obey their parents "in the Lord". One must never forget that his allegiance to God comes before any man. That includes government, companions and parents. The early apostles expressed it well when they were commanded not to preach in the name of Christ. They responded by saying in Acts 5, verse 29, "We ought to obey God rather than men".

The term "obey your parents" indicates that the parents have laid down some laws or provided some instruction to guide the children. This is what is meant by the wise man when he said in Proverbs 22, verse 6, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it". It is understood then that the law is to be obeyed by the child is that which will make him a fine, decent, responsible person. Instructions of parents should be revered by children beyond the parents death. No time limit then on "Children obey your parents in the Lord" Ephesians 6:1. The other word that stands out so predominantly in the children's responsibility to their parents is the word "honor". The Bible says in Ephesians 6, verse 2, "Honor thy father and mother".

This responsibility deals with the child's attitude and respect toward parents. Webster's New World Dictionary says of the word honor, it is "High regard of great respect given". "Something done or given as a token of respect". The home for centuries has provided an environment for one to learn all of the ABC's of Christian living. It is in the home that seeds of character can be sown and given an opportunity to flourish. The great principles of God are to be taught, practiced and cultivated in the home. The child who has learned to honor parents can then effectively show high regard toward his fellow man. He later can easily show respect for a companion and his own children.

It is important that we pause to say that parents have the responsibility to provide the proper atmosphere in the home so that the child can develop an appreciation for law and order given by parents. Such an environment will cause children to rise up and call their parents "blessed". The example of parents set in honoring and loving one another is far-reaching in the heart and life-pattern of the child. When a child cannot see parents love, respect and honor one another, it is extremely difficult for him to rise above this obstacle and honor those that do not honor themselves. Remember, in order to manifest honor towards others, you must respect yourself.

Christ provides us with an example in all things. Having returned from the visit to the city of Jerusalem at the age of 12, the Bible says that Christ, "was subject unto them: but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man" Luke 2, verses 51,52. Christ was obedient to his parents. His affection and respect for his mother was manifested from the cross. He was concerned about her care and well-being. He gave this responsibility to the beloved Apostle John (John 19:25-27). You shall always be children in the eyes of your parents and in the eyes of the Lord. Your response to the commandment, "Obey your parents" and "Honor thy father and thy mother", will be a pretty good yardstick measuring how well you will obey your Lord and give Him honor through faithful worship.

The child's responsibility is a lifetime achievement, an achievement that will be richly blessed in all walks of life. In the words of Ephesians Chapter 6, it is the first commandment with promise.

Colossians 3:20 ESV / 

Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.

Exodus 20:12 ESV / 

“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.

Proverbs 20:20 ESV / 

If one curses his father or his mother, his lamp will be put out in utter darkness.

Proverbs 23:22 ESV / 

Listen to your father who gave you life, and do not despise your mother when she is old.

Ephesians 6:1-3 ESV / 

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise), “that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.”

Ephesians 6:1 ESV / 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Comforting Bible Verses

Our God cares about us. No matter what is happening, he never leaves us. Scripture tells us God knows what is going on in our lives and is faithful. As you read these comforting Bible verses, remember that the Lord is good and kind, your ever-present protector in times of need.

Comforting Bible Verses

Deuteronomy 3:22
Do not be afraid of them; the LORD your God himself will fight for you. (NIV)
Deuteronomy 31:8
The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. (NIV)
Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. (NIV)
Psalm 23:4
Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. (NIV)
Psalm 27:1 
The LORD is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid? (NIV)
Psalm 71:5
For you have been my hope, Sovereign LORD, my confidence since my youth. (NIV)
Psalm 86:17
Give me a sign of your goodness, that my enemies may see it and be put to shame, for you, LORD, have helped me and comforted me. (NIV)
Psalm 119:76
May your unfailing love be my comfort, according to your promise to your servant. (NIV)
Proverbs 3:24
When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. (NIV)
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 

Bible Verses About Courage

The Bible is full of people that showed great courage. What does courage look like for your life? Are you needing some strength and courage from God? Check out these great Bible verses about courage.

Strength in Courage

Deuteronomy 31:6 “Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.”

Joshua 1:7-9 “Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper withersoever thou goest. This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”

1 Chronicles 28:20 “And David said to Solomon his son, Be strong and of good courage, and do it: fear not, nor be dismayed: for the LORD God, even my God, will be with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, until thou hast finished all the work for the service of the house of the LORD.”

Psalm 31:24 “Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.”

Isaiah 41:10-13 “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish. Thou shalt seek them, and shalt not find them, even them that contended with thee: they that war against thee shall be as nothing, and as a thing of nought. For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.”

1 Corinthians 15:58 “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.”

Bible Verse About Strength

Joshua 1:9 Behold I command thee, take courage, and be strong. Fear not, and be not dismayed: because the Lord thy God is with thee in all things whatsoever thou shalt go to.
1 Chronicles 28:20 And David said to Solomon his son: Act like a man, and take courage, and do: fear not, and be not dismayed: for the Lord my God will be with thee, and will not leave thee, nor forsake thee, till thou hast finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord.

18:30-33 As for my God, his way is undefiled: the words of the Lord are fire-tried: he is the protector of all that trust in him. For who is God but the Lord? or who is God but our God? God, who hath girt me with strength; and made my way blameless. Who hath made my feet like the feet of harts: and who setteth me upon high places.
23:4 For though I should walk in the midst of the shadow of death, I will fear no evils, for thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff, they have comforted me.
27:1-3 The psalm of David before he was anointed. The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the protector of my life: of whom shall I be afraid? Whilst the wicked draw near against me, to eat my flesh. My enemies that trouble me, have themselves been weakened, and have fallen. If armies in camp should stand together against me, my heart shall not fear. If a battle should rise up against me, in this will I be confident.
27:14 Expect the Lord, do manfully, and let thy heart take courage, and wait thou for the Lord.
28:7 The Lord is my helper and my protector: in him hath my heart confided, and I have been helped. And my flesh hath flourished again, and with my will I will give praise to him.
34:4 I sought the Lord, and he heard me; and he delivered me from all my troubles.
34:6-10 This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him: and saved him out of all his troubles. The angel of the Lord shall encamp round about them that fear him: and shall deliver them. O taste, and see that the Lord is sweet: blessed is the man that hopeth in him. Fear the Lord, all ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him. The rich have wanted, and have suffered hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not be deprived of any good.
34:18-19 The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a contrite heart: and he will save the humble of spirit. Many are the afflictions of the just; but out of them all will the Lord deliver them.
37:4 Delight in the Lord, and he will give thee the requests of thy heart.
55:22 Cast thy care upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall not suffer the just to waver for ever.
94:19 According to the multitude of my sorrows in my heart, thy comforts have given joy to my soul.
118:14 The Lord is my strength and my praise: and he is become my salvation.
138:3 In what day soever I shall call upon thee, hear me: thou shalt multiply strength in my soul.
145:18 The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him: to all that call upon him in truth.

Bible Verses about Forgiveness

I love what the Bible says on forgiveness. Add your own favorite in the comment box. These verses about Forgiveness are selected from the ESV Bible. May God bless you and his Word.
Bible verses about forgiveness

Jesus Is Our Model Of Forgiveness

Luke 23:33-34 ESV And when they came to the place that is called The Skull, there they crucified him, and the criminals, one on his right and one on his left. (34) And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” And they cast lots to divide his garments.

Jesus Commanded Forgiveness

Mark 11:25 ESV And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”
Matthew 6:14-15 ESV For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, (15) but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
Luke 17:3-4 ESV Pay attention to yourselves! If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him, (4) and if he sins against you seven times in the day, and turns to you seven times, saying, ‘I repent,’ you must forgive him.”
Matthew 18:21-22 ESV Then Peter came up and said to him, “Lord, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?” (22) Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven.
Luke 6:36-37 ESV Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful. (37) “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven;
Matthew 5:44 ESV But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

Because God Has Forgiven Us, We Must Forgive Others

Ephesians 4:32 ESV Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

Husband and wife

1"Love your wife as Christ loved the Church."(Ephesians 5:25) Risk your life to help or save your wife. Christ's love for the church is without limits, nothing is held back. He gave His life for the church - before you loved Him. His love does not depend on your love for Him. Under God's authority - love your wife as service--as giving your life to God.

2"Love your wife in the same way you love your body and your life."(Ephesians 5:28-33) You care for your body daily to be as well fed and healthy as possible. You quickly take care of any needs or desires. Any sexual desire as a husband should be cared for with your wife. In the same way, care for your wife's needs and well being. Feel your wife's pain and illness and rejoice in her health as if it were your own life. A husband must see his wife's sexual desires and make supreme efforts to meet those needs too. Basically, her need or desire whether financial, physical, emotional or spiritual in your relationship must receive your full effort. Only in this way can you love her and provide for her just as well as you do for yourself.

3"Be considerate as you live with your wife, with respect ..."(I Peter 3:7) The Bible says that if we neglect this command, our prayers will be hindered! To be considerate, quit any irritating habits! When she needs to be helped carrying heavy items, do it! If she needs time you can take care of the family! Help your wife with all of your energy, show your love to her with all consideration. Pray to see where you may be inconsiderate.

4"Do not be harsh with your wife."(Colossians 3:19) When a wife is sensitive realize that harsh answers, angry looks, irritated tones of voice and impatience will deeply affect your wife. Rejoice that she is a lady and isn't like you - remember that she is a precious gift God has given you.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Who is the Father of Jesus?

Is Jesus the son of Allah? The Qur'an says no. Yet it is also entirely consistent with the Qur'an to consider Allah the Father of Jesus for the following reasons:
1) Allah caused Mary to become pregnant with Jesus
2) Allah determined some of the physical characteristics of Jesus
3) All of the genetic characteristics of Jesus were determined by just two parties: Allah and Mary.

A Muslim might argue "Being a father implies having sex", and therfore Allah cannot be the father. Not necessarily so. Modern science has brought us "test tube babies", which are conceived without any sex. There is nothing to support the idea that if Allah wants a baby, he must resort to normal human means to have one.
Again, a Muslim may say that if we are going to call Jesus the son of Allah, then we should say that Adam is the son of Allah too. No, we cannot compare Adam to Jesus this way because Adam came into existence without a mother.
Let us first review some background material. What does the Qur'an say about how Mary became pregnant with Jesus? In Surah 3:45-49 we read:

The angels said to Mary: "Allah bids you rejoice in a word from him. His name is the Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary. He shall be noble in this world and the hereafter, and shall be favored by Allah. He shall preach to men in his cradle and the prime of manhood, and shall lead a righteous life."
"Lord", she said, "how can I bear a child when no man has touched me?"
He replied: "Such is the will of Allah. He creates whom He will. When He decrees a thing He need only say: 'Be' and it is. He will instruct him in the Scriptures and in wisdom, in the Torah and in the Gospel, and send him forth as an apostle to the Israelites..."
From this passage we can draw the conclusions presented above:
1) Allah caused Mary to become pregnant with Jesus. Muslims infer from this passage and others like it that Jesus was conceived while Mary was a virgin by the word spoken by Allah, and not by a man.

Not that this in itself implies that Allah is the father. When a doctor causes a woman to become pregnant by artificial insemination, he is not considered the father. Hence the following two points:
2) Allah determined some of the physical characteristics of Jesus. 
When Allah said "Be", did he have something specific in mind? Certainly! Allah had a very detailed plan in mind for Jesus. In particular, Allah decided that Jesus would be male. Normally, it is the sperm that decides the gender of the baby. Here Allah made the choice instead.

3) All of the genetic characteristics of Jesus were determined by precisely two parties: Allah and Mary. 
This is clear because they were the only two parties involved. So we conclude that Allah and Mary are the only two possible candidates for the title "Father".

Hence it appears legitimate to call Allah the father of Jesus, at least in a figurative sense. Therefore we are at a loss to explain why the Qur'an spends so much space arguing against this. Certainly more and better justification is needed than what appears in these passages:

Surely they lie when they declare: "Allah has begotten children".
-- Sura 37:151
Where is the "lie" in our reasoning above?

They say: "Allah has begotten a Son". Glory be to Him! His is what the heavens and the earth contain; all things are obedient to Him. Creator of the heavens and the earth! When he decrees a thing, He need only say "Be", and it is.
-- Sura 2:116
Allah made Mary pregnant. What more would Allah have to do if he wanted a legitimate son?

Allah forbid that He Himself should beget a son! When He decrees a thing He need only say "Be," and it is. -- Sura 19:35
So is Allah unable to beget a son by saying "Be"?

Say: "If the Lord of Mercy had a son, I would be the first to worship him". -- Sura 43:82
We would prefer something more convincing from the Qur'an than this.

The 20 Versions of the Qur'an today. (7 are recorded in the Hadith.)

The 20 Versions of the Qur'an today. (7 are recorded in the Hadith.)
Qur'an of today is different than what Muhammad revealed!
Click to ViewIslam: Truth or Myth? start page
The Muslim Claim that the Qur'an is unchanged:No other book in the world can match the Qur'an ... The astonishing fact about this book of ALLAH is that it has remained unchanged, even to a dot, over the last fourteen hundred years. ... No variation of text can be found in it. You can check this for yourself by listening to the recitation of Muslims from different parts of the world. (Basic Principles of Islam, Abu Dhabi, UAE: The Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahayan Charitable & Humanitarian Foundation, 1996, p 4)

Many Variant Readings of the Quran

  1. "Muslims attack the Bible on the grounds that it sometimes has conflicting wording from different manuscripts. Yet this is exactly the case with the text of the Quran. There are many conflicting readings on the text of the Quran as Arthur Jeffery has demonstrated in his book, Material for the History of the Text of the Quran" (New York, Russell F. Moore, 1952).
  2. Mentions Variant readings in the Koran: Dashti, 23 Years, p. 28
  3. Mentions Variant readings in the Koran: Mandudi, Meaning of the Quran, pp. 17-18
  4. Mentions Variant readings in the Koran: McClintock and Strong, Cyclopedia, V152).
  5. "[the Koran] had a large number of variants, not always trifling in significance" (Islam, p. 189).
  6. "It is interesting to note that in scholarly Muslim journals, there is beginning to be a grudging acknowledgment of the fact that there are variant and conflicting readings on the text of the Quran" (One example would be Saleh al-Wahaihu, "A Study of Seven Quranic Variants," International Journal of Islamic and Arabic Studies, Vol. V (1989), #2, pp. 1-57).
  7. "The Muslin accounts of the history of the Quran texts are a mass of confusion, contradiction and inconsistencies" (Burton, Collection, p. 231).
  8. "Abdollah renounced Islam on the ground that the revelations, if from God, could not be changed at the prompting of a scribe such as he. After his apostasy he went to Mecca and joined the Qorayshites" (Dashti, 23 Years, p. 98).
  9. "There being some passages in the Quran which are contradictory, the Muhammadan doctors obviate any objection from thence by the doctrine of abrogation; for they say that God in the Quran commanded several things which were for good reasons afterwards revoked and abrogated" (E. Wherry, A Comprehensive Commentary on the Qurun, p. 110).
  10. "It is to us astounding how so compromising a procedure can have been permitted to be introduced into the system by friends and foes (Canon Sell in his work, Historical Development of the Qura, Madras: Diocesan Press, 1923, pp. 36-37).
  11. "When Muhammad died there existed no singular codex of the sacred text" (Caesar Farah, Islam: Beliefs and Observations, New York; Barrons, 1987, p. 28).
  12. "One thing only is certain and is openly recognized by tradition, namely, that there was not in existence any collection of revelations in the final form, because, as long as he was alive, new revelations were being added to the earlier ones" (The Shorter Encyclopedia of Islam p. 271).
The proof the Muslim claim is false, is in this book:
Click to View
Translation of front cover:Making Easy the Readings of What Has Been Sent Down
Muhammad Fahd Khaaruun
The Collector of the 10 Readings
From Al-Shaatebeiah and Al-Dorraah and Al-Taiabah
Revised by
Muhammad Kareem Ragheh
The Chief Reader of Damascus
Daar Beirut
Click photos for enlargement
As you can see, the boxed text is the text of the Qur'an and the margins at the left and the bottom are variant readings. There are more known variants than this book includes. Even worse, there are more than readers in existence, but this book limits the variants to only these 10 readers.
Click photos for enlargement
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What Muslim and non-Muslim scholars say about the known variations/versions within the Qur'an being used in the world today:

Authors of the Quran:-


       Anyone researching and investigating the origins of the Quran will find that a lot of people were involved in its compilation and construction.

       Unknown to the vast majority of Muhammadans, and buried deep inside the Quran, Ahadith and Sirah, there is copious evidence to reject, out of hand, the contention that the Quran is the creation of Allah.

       Making Allah the author of the Quran, is the prime and most groteque lie and deception that was ever perpetrated upon the human intellect for more than 1400 years.
       One can say with a great measure of certainty, that the Quran was either composed or inspired and written by a few other individuals. The most notable among them were:

Imrul Qays-                an ancient poet of Arabia who died a few decades before                                        Muhammad's birth

Zayd b. Amr b. Naufal-        an 'apostate' of his time who preached and propagated Hanifism

Labid-                        another poet

Hasan b. Thabit-                the official poet of Muhammad

Salman -                         the Persian-Muhammad's confidante' and an advisor

Bahira-                        a Nestoraian Christian monk of the Syrian church

Jabr-                                a Christian neighbour of Muhammad

Ibn Qumta-                a Christian slave
Khadijah-                        Muhammad's first wife

Waraqa-                        Khadijah's cousin brother

Ubay b. Ka'b-                Muhammad's secretary and a Qur'an scribe

Muhammad -                himself

       Bahira was a Nestorian Christian monk who lived in Sham (Syria). His Christian name wasSergius or Georgius. It is believed that he was expelled from the monastery for certain offences. To expiate it, he set out on a mission to Arabia.

       In Mecca, he met Muhammad, became intimate with him and stayed with him. He had confidential conversations with Muhammad, in which he surely told Muhammad many facets of Christianity. The verses in the Quran dealing with Christianity must have emanated from Bahira, the monk. Muhammadsimply re-wrote them with the help of his Quran collectors or scribes.
       It is believed that the Quranic verses on the Psalms of David were actually the contribution of Bahira.These verses are:
4.163 We have sent thee inspiration, as We sent it to Noah and the Messengers after him: we sent inspiration to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes, to Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon, and to David We gave the Psalms [Zaboura].
17.55 And it is your Lord that knoweth best all beings that are in the heavens and on earth: We did bestow on some prophets more (and other) gifts than on others: and We gave to David (the gift of) the Psalms[Zaboura].

21.105 Before this We wrote in the Psalms [al Zabouri], after the Message (given to Moses): My servants the righteous, shall inherit the earth."
[In fact, the Dictionary Islam (p.698) writes that the last quoted verse (21.105) is a direct quote from Psalm 37.29]

Psalm 37:29 " The righteous will inherit the earth and dwell forever upon it"
       Here are some sample verses which most likely were contributed by Bahira:
2:101        And when came to them an Apostle from Allah confirming what was with them a party of the people of the Book threw away the Book of Allah behind their backs as if (it had been something) they did not know!

       ***Even when Muhammad confirmed the previous scriptures, the Jews and the Christiansrejected him ***

2:113        The Jews say: "The Christians have naught (to stand) upon"; and the Christians say: "The Jews have naught (to stand) upon."  Yet they (profess to) study the (same) Book.  Like unto their word is what those say who know not but Allah will judge between them in their quarrel on the Day of Judgment

       *** The Quran implies that the Jews and the Christians quarrel with each other even though they study the same book.

       Of course the Quran is, as usual, WRONG, since the Jews and Christians have no quarrel with each other regarding the Hebrew Bible but ONLY regarding the New Testament which theJews do not accept since it is not part of the Divine Revelations at Mount Sinai***

2:139        Say: Will ye dispute with us about Allah seeing that He is our Lord and your Lord;that we are responsible for our doings and ye for yours; and that we are sincere (in our faith) in Him?
       *** This verse implies that the 'Islamic', the Jewish and the Christian God is the same God,do not argue on this; Allah will reward each group according to their deeds…

       In reality, Allah was never the god of Israel or of Jesus since Allah was ONLY the name of the rock god of the Ka'ba, the Black Stone***

3:23 The Jews and the Christians are invited to believe in the Book of Allah to settle their disputes...

       *** The Quran has nothing either equal to or superior to anythnig that it, theQURAN, had PLAGIARIZED, PLUNDERED, PIRATED and/or PERVERTED from the BIBLE, to justify that the People of the Book should believe in it or to use it as a GUIDE ***

3:78 Some Jews and Christians twisted their scriptures and passed them as Allah's messages…

Jesus said to Thomas that HE IS THE LIVING GOD

John 14 ► Peshitta Holy Bible Translated Verse 5 and 6 Thoma said to him, “Our Lord, we do not know where you are going and how can we know ...