Monday, November 26, 2012

Lord, we humbly come before You, acknowledging Your glory

Lord, we humbly come before You, acknowledging Your glory; You are worthy to be praised, You alone are worthy to receive honor, glory and praise. There is no one else like, Lord God, who can stand against You? Who is able to stand before You and not tremble at Your sight? 

Our hearts tremble with the Fear of the Lord, as we draw closer to You. You all powerful, all know; You alone are God, there is none above You, or beside You. Lord God, we cry out from the depths of our hearts for the Fire of God to rain down and consume our entire beings, in Jesus Name. 

Lord, burn away everything that is not of You and remove it far from us, in Jesus Name. Release the Fire of Your holiness to purify our hearts and minds, in Jesus Name. 

Lord, we are thirsty and hungry for a mighty move of God, for the heavens to open up and send Your former and latter rains upon this barren land. We are not just asking for a revival; but, we are calling out for a revolution to uprise within every heart and soul. 

Those who are fearless and their faces are like flint; they are determined and filled with the passion and zeal to go forth with the calling that You have put on their lives. 

It does not matter anymore what people think, do, or say because all they hear is the Lion of Judah roaring. Lord, raise up a generation of people that are consumed with Your Fire and passion and zeal, those that will minister the Fire of God, the Fire of Your holiness to the people. 

Let Your Fire be ablaze within our hearts, flowing through our mouths, and resting upon our minds, in Jesus Name. 

Ignite a renewed passion, zeal, desire, and Fire within Your people; let it be increased, intensify, multiply, magnify, and amplify within us and through us, in Jesus Name. 

Lord, we call everything into the obedience of Jesus Christ right now, in Jesus Name. Stir up our hearts and our souls to be ablaze for You; let us have such compassion for the lost, the wounded, the hurting, and the broken and shattered, in Jesus Name. 

Lord, let Your love be a seal upon our hearts and minds; help us not to be quick to condemn or judge others, let us just love them through Your love. Help us see them through the eyes of love and compassion. 

Father, forgive those that have harmed us with their words and actions; forgive those that have insulted us, persecuted us, belittled us; they don’t know what they are doing. Lord, they are so wounded and lashing out in such misery that they bleed out on others. Lord, have mercy upon them and heal their wounded hearts, mend the broken pieces of their hearts, in Jesus Name. 

Soften the hard hearted and the cold hearted people; let them become pliable in Your hands, in Jesus Name. 

Your word says that You take the things the world deems as foolish and mold them into being powerful vessels for You. Lord, let the Fire of Your holiness surround our entire lives, every area of our hearts and souls, in Jesus Name. 

Let us embrace the Fear of the Lord, that we may not sin against You, let our hearts be filled with such vehement love for You that we don’t want to sin against You, in Jesus Name. 

Help each of us to clean our houses and take out the things that don’t please You, Lord God. Lord, let us lose all desire for the things of this world; let us no longer lust after the world, in Jesus Name. 

 Lord, give us the grace to cleanse ourselves and to take the world out of us. Lord, let us no longer compromise in any way; awaken us from our complacency and apathy. 

Let us be the light in a city on a hill; let the love of God reflected and radiate in every area of our lives, let us become beacons of that light and that Fire for the world to see. 

Let us no longer take Your grace in vain; let us live the life that You have called us to live. 

Father, we ask for Your perfect will to be done in us and through us, in Jesus Name. 

Amen and amen.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Bibles for America--Free Bibles and free Christian books

One of the best ways to go through the Bible is to read it consistently and consecutively. What better time to establish this healthy habit than at the beginning of this new year? Whether you’re already off to a good start or need some help staying on track, we offer a number of free tools that can complement your Bible reading.


Jesus said to Thomas that HE IS THE LIVING GOD

John 14 ► Peshitta Holy Bible Translated Verse 5 and 6 Thoma said to him, “Our Lord, we do not know where you are going and how can we know ...